• GPA, Class Rank and Transcripts

    •  To Calculate Your GPA

      1. Determine quality points for each letter grade.
      2. Total the quality points.
      3. Divide total quality points by the total number of courses.

      Wake County determines official GPA based on final grades. Your GPA is figured and reported on your transcript both weighted and unweighted. To calculate an unweighted GPA, use the academic scale only. Students are ranked from highest to lowest GPA using cumulative weighted grades


    • Calculating your GPA

      When calculating your GPA, you must remember that quality Points are assigned to each letter grade. The type of class (Academic, Honors, WTCC) you take will determine the number of quality points you receive for the course. Students received weighted credit (extra points) for Honors, AP and IB courses.

      Quality Points Scale

    • GPA Scale for students entering 9th grade in 2015-16 and beyond
        Quality Points
      Academic Honors Dual Enrollment (WTCC)
      A 90-100 4 4.5 5
      B 80-89 3 3.5 4
      C 70-79 2 2.5 3
      D 60-69 1 1.5 2
      F <60 0 0 0

    Latin Honors System

    Summa Cum Laude: weighted GPA 4.25 or higher
    Magna Cum Laude: weighted GPA 4.0 - 4.249
    Cum Laude: weighted GPA 3.75 – 3.99


    Beginning in January 2004, the following guidelines were implemented regarding class rank calculation.

    • Calculation of class rank will include Future Ready Core curriculum only.
    • Senior Rank is run approximately on the 20th school day each year.
    • Sophomore and Junior Rank are run approximately on the 40th school day each year.
    • Rank for all classes is run at the end of first semester and at the end of second semester.
    • College courses that are taken through the WCPSS Dual Enrollment Program are included in the GPA/Rank process.
      • The Senior Honors GPA/Rank process occurs at the end of the 1st semester in the graduating year.
    • Other honors and recognitions will include all students.


    Transcripts have been uploaded to PowerSchool, so you can now use www.CFNC.org to request that high school transcripts be sent to four year and community colleges in North Carolina.

    • Go to www.CFNC.org, click on "apply now."
    • Go to "Transcript Manager."
    • Make sure your CFNC profile has accurate information including your student ID number.

    To send high school transcripts to out-of-state colleges, to scholarship committees, etc., you should continue to use the Wake County Schools online request form that is found at: www.WCPSS.net/transcripts.


    To request the Wake Tech transcript to send to colleges, please visit this link:  https://www.waketech.edu/student-services/registration-student-records/how-to/order-transcripts.  Students can request their Wake Tech transcript in person or online.