Students must be in regular attendance to do their best work in school.
School Board Policy 6000 states, "The Board recognizes that a positive correlation exists between regular attendance and achievement. Therefore, regular attendance is required." Regular attendance develops patterns of behavior that are essential to professional and personal success in life. For details see Board Policies 6000 and 5510 in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook.When the need for an absence exists, it is imperative that the student returns to school with a note from his/her parent or guardian providing an explanation for the absence and the signature and daytime contact information of the parent or guardian.
If a student is absent for five total days for any reason, parents will be asked to have a conference at the school to write a plan to improve attendance. If a student accumulates ten days of absences for any reason in any class, the student may fail the course, regardless of the student’s current grade in the course.
Excused Absences
Valid conditions for excused absences include:
- Illness or injury that makes the student physically unable to attend school
- Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health
- Death in the family
- Medical or dental appointment
- Participation as a party under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding
- Observance of an event required or suggested by the religion of the student or the student's parent(s) with prior approval by the principal
- Participation in a valid educational opportunity such as travel, with prior approval of the principal. Parents should submit an Excused Absence Prior Approval Form (Form #1710) at least five days preceding the absence.
Any absence not meeting the requirements of an excused absence shall be an unexcused absence.
Checking Out of School Early
- The student brings a note from his/her parent/guardian to the attendance office between 7:00 – 7:20 a.m.
- A parent/guardian may be contacted before a student leaves campus.
- A student should pick up the check-out note before the start of school (7:00 - 7:20 am) or during lunch.
- If a student becomes ill during the school day, the classroom teacher may send the student to Student Services with a pass. Student Services office will contact the parent. The parent will go to the attendance office to check the student out of school. If the student is a Junior or Senior with a parking pass and has permission from parent/guardian the student may leave campus with a dismissal pass from the attendance office.
- Students are to be properly signed out in the attendance office before they are allowed to leave campus. Failure to sign in and out appropriately may result in disciplinary action against the student.
- Checkouts are not permitted after 2:00 pm.