

Degrees and Certifications:

I graduated from Messiah College with a BA in Behavioral Science and a Business Minor.

Ms. Janet Parker

I am so excited to continue in my 9th year as an Oakview Owl!  I moved to Holly Springs in April 2016 with my 3 kids and began working at Oakview soon after it opened as an Instructional Assistant.  For 5 years I worked with second and then third grade as an assistant, and then transitioned to teaching third grade. I am excited to be entering my 4th year as a teacher.  My son Caleb graduated from Holly Springs High School last year, and my daughters are currently at Holly Springs High.  Abby is a senior this year and Chloe is a freshman, which should be interesting to have both at opposite ends of the experience.   
I love reading, going to the beach, camping, playing board games, hanging out with my kids, and visiting new places here in North Carolina. I'm thrilled to be here and look forward to this school year!