• Important Information for our FOX FAMILIES

    Dear FPDE Families,

    Happy Thursday. We are thrilled to be hosting our Back to School Bash tomorrow, Friday September 13th from 5:30-7:30 PM. Next week, we will be hosting Attendance Awareness Week and have no school on Friday, September 20th due to a Teacher Work Day. We look forward to seeing all our families on Friday night. Please read the important information below.




    September 13                   Back to School Bash 5:30-7:30 PM

    September 18                   PTA Spirit Night at Papa Murphy’s

    September 20                   No School (Teacher Workday)

    September 27                   Interims go home

    October 3               Teacher Workday

    New Information:

    Back to School Bash

    Please join us this Friday, September 13th from 5:30-7:30 PM for our Back to School Bash. PLEASE USE THE BUS LOOP DOOR TO ENTER THE SCHOOL. NO FAMILIES WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENTER THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR. This is to eliminate traffic.

     The night will kick off at 5:30 sharp with an important Title I presentation regarding our school compact. No events will be open to families until after the presentation. We ask you to attend the presentation and sign the compact to have a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Title 1 school.

    As for the Back to School Bash we ask that all families follow the rules below:

    1. All students must be accompanied by an adult.

    2. The adult(s) that come with the child(ren) need to watch their child(ren) at all times.

    3. All inside areas are closed, except the cafeteria, gym and bathrooms. You may not go to any other area in the building.

    4. Please stay in designated areas for this event- outside in the bus loop, gym, cafeteria and bathrooms

    5. Please throw away trash.

    6. Students need to follow the school rules and remember to be SLY- Show Respect, Listen and Learn, Your Safety Counts

    We look forward to seeing you there for a night of fun!

    Attendance Awareness Week September 16th-19th

    We will be hosting an Attendance Awareness Week from September 16th-19th. Please see the attendance data below and our dress-up days to support great school attendance. Thanks for your on-going support.


    This is just a reminder to please not pass the cars in the carpool lane. We run two lanes in the afternoon. We stop cars according to the flow of the cone traffic. Please ensure you are obeying all traffic laws for the safety of our students and staff. Thanks for your support.

    Student Council Information 4th and 5th Grade only

    It’s that time of the year to send out information on the Forest Pines Drive Student Council program!  Student Council consists of interested 4th and 5th grade students who want to plan fun school events, such as dress up days, run safety patrol, support with the Sly store, provide peer mentoring, and help with the morning announcements. 

    4th and 5th grade students may run for the positions of Secretary and Safety Officer. Only 5th grade students can run for President and Vice President. All students running for office will give a speech that is no more than 1 minute in length during the Morning Announcements on their scheduled day. Please see the timeline below. In addition, all candidates may hang up only 1 poster in the school. Candidates are not allowed to give out any candy or treats to the students.

    Student Council meetings are held approximately once per month during 4th and 5th grade recess.

     Forest Pines Drive Student Council Timeline 

    Monday, September 16th  – An informational meeting will be held during 4th and 5th grade lunch, and the Student Council packets will be sent home with all 4th and 5th grade students.

    Thursday, September 19th – Student Council permission form and paragraph is due to Dr. Baggio by 3:45 p.m. This includes a signature from the classroom teacher, a signature from a parent or guardian, the student’s signature, and a well-written paragraph that includes why the student wants to be on Student Council and chose to run for the office they have selected.

    Monday, September 23rd – Candidates may hang only 1 poster on school grounds that has been approved by Dr. Baggio. Candidates are not allowed to pass out candy or any type of goodies.

    Tuesday, September 24th – Student Council candidates for Secretary will give their speeches during the Fox Morning Show Announcements.

    Wednesday, September 25th – Student Council candidates for Safety Officer will give their speeches during the Fox Morning Show Announcements. 

    Thursday, September 26th– Student Council candidates for Vice President will give their speeches during the Fox Morning Show Announcements. 

    Friday, September 27th- Student Council candidates for President will give their speeches during the Fox Morning Show Announcements. The results from the elections will be announced before 3:45 PM on Friday September 27th.

     *If you run for office, but do not win you will automatically be placed on the student council. 

    FPDE Cares- Information from our social Worker- Ms. Pulley

    Forest Pines Drive Elementary works with community organizations, staff, and PTAs to help families throughout the school year. Our goal is to help FPD students and families by helping them meet needs in various areas. If you would like to be considered for support, please complete this form and return it to your child's teacher by 9/27/2024. A paper copy will also be sent home to you early next week. Please contact the School Social Worker Emily Pulley by email at epulley@wcpss.net if you have any questions.

    Art Supplies needed for our Art Room

    The art room is in need of some household items.  We would greatly appreciate any contributions. You can bring all donations to the office and place them in the box that is labeled, “Art Supplies”. We will be collecting supplies until September 27th.

    Magazines (for collage), Newspapers (for collage), Cookie cutters, Yarn, Empty yogurt containers (large), Plastic shoe boxes, Books for the art room library (these don’t necessarily need to be “art” books,  any elementary level books are great), Tissues, Baby wipes, Gallon and quart bags, Bubble wrap mailing envelopes (ie Amazon), Packing Tape

     From the PTA

    Join the PTA: 

    Please consider joining our PTA!  Our membership for the 24/25 year is now open. It is only $7 to join. Your membership helps support our school and students. There is no obligation to volunteer. When you join this year, you will receive a punch card with the opportunity to receive a free spirit rock rental, a spirit t-shirt, and a yearbook!

    Click here to sign up for PTA


    If you would like to volunteer we have lots of opportunities! We are asking for volunteers for Kindergarten lunch, Carpool, and our Back to school bash. This is a great way to earn a punch for your punch card!


    Carpool Lunch: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B054FAFAA2BA6FA7-50702245-carpool#/

    Back to School: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B054FAFAA2BA6FA7-50702545-back#/

    Back to School Bash

    Please join us for our annual Back to School Bash next Friday, 9/13 from 5:30-7:30 pm. It is free for all FPDE families to attend. We will have free pizza, inflatables, a DJ and face painting.  We will also have Kona Ice and Coastal Concessions food trucks there to purchase some sweet treats. We can’t wait to see all our fox families!

    Spirit Wear

    Our new school spirit wear for the 24/25 school year is available now! Click on the link below to purchase. Free shipping for a limited time. 



    Warm Regards,

    Principal Baggio