Health Supplies
Students are expected to come arrive to class with requested homework (completed), paper, and a pen/pencil. Please help your student build good organization and preparedness skills by ask them twice a week if they have general school materials.Digital Learning: Students are expected to demonstrate meeting healthful living curriculum concepts through digital submission of artifacts/ evidence of healthy lifestyle choices. Every effort will be made to allow voice and choice as I and students navigate digital content delivery. Parents, please occassionally ask your child to share/review items of work with you. This will reinforce good choices, but also insure your child is using tech appropriately and responsibly. All WCPSS and DRMS policies apply in regards to remote learning. If you are interested in knowing more, please view the WCPSS parent/student handbook.Curriculum Questions???
If you need further clarity on curriculum coming up or would like to view curriculum, please contact me to setup a meeting or phone conference at JPETTIFORD@WCPSS.NET.
Health Unit Descriptions
Mental-Emotional Health (MEH): Student look at factors that may harm or enhance their mental health such a decision making process, recognizing mental/emotional problems and emotions, stress management, time management and other personal improvement strategies, being an advocate for themselves and others, and where to get help when dealing with mental/emotional issues.Personal Consumer Safety (PCH): Students look at factors such as price/ consumer consciousness, water/fire/ and weather emergencies response safety, CPR/First Aid and Heimlich maneuver, health-related and lifestyle disease prevention, risky/dangerous behaviors, health patterns/ surveys and assessments, personal hygiene/care, and environmental concern.Interpersonal Communication and Relationships (ICR): Students look at factors such as healthy and unhealthy relationships, person-to-person communication skills, group communication and functioning, refusal skills, responding to harassment/bullying, and handling conflict responsibly.Nutrition and Physical Activity (NPA): Students look at factors such as dietary guidelines, understanding the nutritional facts label, prevention on nutritional related diseases, meal planning for various diets, dieting plans and healthy weight management strategies, understanding of nutrients, and physical activity planning.Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD): Students look at media factors that influence choices, long/ short term health risks and effects associated with drug use/abuse, refusal skills and healthy alternatives.
Parent information regarding RHS
To be updated soon.
SOS- Signs of Suicide
Sixth Grade Textbook