Considering the Military as a Career?
The different branches of the military visit our school many times during the year. Look for recruiters during lunch periods or ask Mr. Katsuleris when they will be on campus. Mr. Katsuleris is happy to facilitate a meeting between students and miliary branches.- Air Force: www.airforce.com
- Recruiter: SSgt Patrick Murphy| Mobile: 919-703-3959 |Email: Patrick.murphy.50@us.af.mil
- Army: www.army.com
- Recruiter: SFC Amitram Mahadeo| Mobile: 919-710-2215 |Email: amitram.r.mahadeo.mil@army.mil
- Coast Guard: www.uscg.mil
- Marines: www.marines.com
Recruiter: Sergeant Vazquez, Christopher M | Mobile: (919) 995-3008 |Email: christopher.vazquez@marines.usmc.mil - National Guard: https://www.nationalguard.com/
- Navy: www.navy.com
Recruiter: OS1 (SW) Warren, Tenisha | Mobile: 919-214-2251|Email: tenisha.d.warren.mil@us.navy.mil
Additional Military Resources
Another Web Resource is http://www.military.com/. From this site you can find information on all of the different military branches, take practice ASVAB tests, and much more.
Trying to Decide what Branch? Here is an article that helps compare the branches.Want to see what careers and jobs are available in the ARMY? https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs.html
To explore military opportunities, please visit: https://www.careersinthemilitary.com/home
Release of student information to recruiters. (See Federal Law Here)
If you wish to opt of of releasing your information to recruiters, you must notify the school within the first 20 days of the school year using the form below. This only applies to Juniors & Seniors.
Opt Out Form