Underwood School Counselor Annual Calendar
School: Brett Pesce, MA, LCMHC, Underwood Gifted and Talented Magnet Elementary Academic Year: 2024-2025
A minimum of 80% of time recommended for direct and indirect student services and 20% or less in program planning and school support
Direct Student Services Activities
(Include dates of school counseling initiatives or events, classroom and group activities, career or college nights, schoolwide academic support events, etc.)
Indirect Student Services Activities
(Significant collaborations, leadership, and advocacy activities)
Program Planning and School Support
(Defining, Managing, Assessing,
Fair-Share Responsibilities)
Non-Counseling School Task
*Classroom SEL Counseling
- Classroom counseling in grades 2-5
- Once a week K and 1st Second Step SEL lessons
- K and 1st weekly Second Step letters to families via teacher’s newsletters
Mentoring Program
I meet one-to one with students once a week that I mentor. I have six mentees this year.
Needs Distribution
- Give clothing, food, and school items directly to students that need them throughout the year
- Respond to acute and chronic student concerns
- Individual Counseling: K-5
- Respond to student and family needs
- !Tenemos Esto! small group
- Play & Communication Skills groups
- Groups that are based on needs of students
- Establish relationships with all students
- Establish relationships in particular, with students who are marginalized
-School supplies, clothing & backpack distribution
Mentoring Program
-Meet with Magnet Coordinator to establish and implement Mentor Program between students referred by teachers, last year’s mentees and linking staff mentors with those students.
-Devising possible activities for the mentors to do with mentees.
Kindness Council:
-Engage students in grades 3-5 in the Kindness Council in acts of kindness for kids at Underwood
-Promote responsibility and maturity in the Council
-Communicate to stakeholders during the year.
Clothing Closet
- Organize and maintain a Clothing Closet (including coats) in coordination with the school social worker and in cooperation with the principal
- Request and receive items from teachers and parents
- Regularly consult, communicate, and consult with teachers and staff about student and family needs
- Engage and communicate with families to build and maintain relationships
- Communicate, consult and collaborate with parents to problem-solve
504 Eligibility Coordinator
-Coordinate and collaborate with teachers, parents, and administration to set up 504 Eligibility and Annual Review meetings
-Print copies of 504 Accommodation Plans to teachers and specialists that have those students
-Send new and updated Annual Plans to Specialists and Testing Coordinators
Backpack Buddies
-Collaborate with Crystal Floyd-Wilson (School Social Worker) and parent volunteer Jillian Keefe with needed food bags to be delivered on Wednesdays
Student Needs
-Collaborate with school social worker to distribute to classrooms
-Create and update Backpack Buddies list of students in Google Docs and who received food bags
Attendance Committee
-Attend monthly meetings and consult with school social worker about students with attendance concerns
*Second Step SEL Programming
-Communicate with teachers about program implementation, parent communication to be sent out.
-Weekly lesson letters to parents via weekly teacher communication K and 1st, with this direction given to teachers in grades 2-5 with links to access
-Train new teachers how to use the program yearly.
-Monitor lessons taught and ensure that the Prep and Extend Activities for teachers in K and 1 are taught
-Provide administration with usage data quarterly.
-Collaborate with school social worker and school psychologist to strategize and implement plans to meet student and family needs/concerns.
-Consult and collaborate with administration or staff as needed.
School Improvement Team
-Meet with grade level chairs, specials chair, intervention staff and admin to review, revise and analyze school data to meet the needs of students and families.
Web Page
Update the Counselor’s Corner on the school webpage
Update School Counselor pages on school website
Google Documents in Shared Drive
Continuously update and add to when needed
*Second Step SEL Programming
Collaborate with media center staff to create a library of books and media resources related to regulation of emotions to share with students and families.
Breakfast Duty 8:45am-9:20am daily
Monitoring students and behaviors coming in
the building
Lunch Duty
11:45-12:20 1st grade lunch duty (go to classrooms, gather, and lead kids to lunch, monitor lunch and help students.)
(Go to 3rd grade classrooms, gather, and lead kids to lunch, monitor lunch, resolve issues and help students)
Clean tables, sweep, and pick up trash
See Ongoing Services
- Respond to acute and chronic student concerns
- Respond to student and family needs identified by the spring staff survey
504 Eligibility Coordinator
Respond to new 504 requests, out of state cases
Fall Needs Assessment
-Set up multi-tab Google Document to house all the incoming needs
-Collaborate with team about what to put on assessment, implementation dates.
-Devise assessment
-School supplies & backpack distribution
-Look at last spring’s staff and parent survey data, determine identified needs, and develop plans to address
-Collaborate with teachers and administrators regarding student issues/needs for the year
Needs Assessment: Backpack Buddies
-Obtain names from last year’s Needs Assessment
-Add and delete students throughout the year
-Collaborate with Jen Page about how many families need food bags on Fridays
-Determine how to distribute food bags weekly.
*Second Step SEL Programming
-Second Step calendar planning
-Second Step information and expectations in the staff weekly news
See Ongoing Services
Planning for Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program/Counselor Keri: Small group of seven sessions for 4th and 5th grade Hispanic boys
Kindness Council:
-Research programs and activities
-Devise letter to parents with permission to participate
-Develop application
-Develop promotional materials
-Develop message for Principal’s weekly newsletter
-Set up the groups
-Set up meeting dates and locations
Counseling and Student Support Services:
-Put referral form in the weekly staff news
Fall Needs Assessment:
-Input any data collected from parents into the Google Document tabs
-Collaborate with team
-Edit assessment
-Devise Google Docs for all areas of Needs Assessment documents
-Send out Needs Assessment to all families via parent emails, PTA weekly e-news, and paper versions to all students on the Backpack Buddies list.
Second Step
-Second Step information and expectations in the staff weekly news
Classroom Counseling
-Set up classroom counseling dates and times for the year
ASCA Model Plan
-Review last year’s results
-Present data and needs to UCARES team/Advisory Council
-Have Advisory Council sign the plans for the year
-Have principal sign Administrative Conference form
-Gather data for ASCA model plan
-Look at 1st quarter data for behavior
-Analyze parent and staff survey results from the prior spring
-Determine the goals and strategies for the year
-Update ASCA plan in RAMP portal, review and update sub-categories and documents
-Upload new documents
-Have Annual Administrative Conference form completed
-Meet with Principal about Administrative Conference form/goals for the year
Tenemos Esto! small group for Hispanic/Latino 5th grade boys:
-Research and develop curriculum
See Ongoing Services
Planning for Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of seven sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Small group for 5th grade girls, Girl Power
Kindness Council:
-Get curriculum planned out
-Inform teachers of meetings during lunch and activities
-Inform parents via Principal’s newsletter
-Inform community via my school counselor/ Underwood webpage
-Hold first meeting
Tenemos Esto! small group for Hispanic/Latino 5th grade boys:
-Set up meeting schedule with teachers and inform students
Second Step:
-Second Step information and expectations in the staff weekly news
-Initiate and organize small groups based upon staff and parent surveys and what we’re seeing in school.
Fall Needs Assessment/Thanksgiving:
-Input any data collected from parents into the Google Document tabs
-Get family names from Needs Assessment responses
-Contact families from high needs list who haven’t responded by paper forms
-Communicate and coordinate with parents and partner organizations about meals, pickup and delivery dates and times
Fall Needs Assessment/Angel Tree: List due to Hayes-Barton Baptist in October
-Get family names from Needs Assessment responses
-Contact families from high needs list who haven’t responded about Angel Tree needs
-Get detailed information from parents about what they need.
-Do the beginning of the year Note in the Pocket referrals.
-Communicate and coordinate with SISP team about important dates and team member roles.
Spotlight on Students Award
-Get nominees from teachers
-Let admin know nominees and have staff vote
Middle School
-Send any middle school tour information to parents
-Put middle school tour information on the school counselor’s page on the school website
See Ongoing Services
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Small group for 5th grade girls, Girl Power
-See Ongoing Services
Classroom SEL Counseling
- Post student work in hallway
See Ongoing Services
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Small group for 5th grade girls, Girl Power
Fall Needs Assessment/Angel Tree
-Assign any remaining students to staff who offer to help
-Pick up and organize gifts/family needs
-Communicate and coordinate with Student Services staff, parents and partner organizations about pickup, delivery dates and times
Fall Needs Assessment/Book Fair Gift Certificates
Identify requests from Needs Assessment and teachers and distribute to students
See Ongoing Services
Start preparations for middle school registration
See Ongoing Services
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Middle School Registration Procedures:
Send out Math choices/procedures for Parents
Mid-Late February: Next School Loaded into PowerSchool
-Teacher Recommendations for Core, especially math (send recommendations from OASIS to math teacher) due in PowerSchool. (Get instructions to 5th grade teachers, meet, and go through it)
-Parent Communication/PTA E-News and other locations:
Communicate with parents about the middle school registration process and dates.
-Parents able to view electives online--send links to them.
-Add note to parents about electives that require auditions
Classroom SEL Counseling
- Post student work in hallway
See Ongoing Services
Middle School Registration Mid-March to Mid-April:
Meet with 5th grade students, help them make elective selections in PowerSchool
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Middle School Registration Procedures:
Early March:
Send home envelopes with:
-Middle school letters
-Paper copies of electives with directions sent with the letters
-Teacher collects them in their classroom
Mid-March to Mid-April:
Core Recommendations printed by school counselor to send home with students
See Ongoing Services
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program Keri: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
504 Eligibility Coordinator
-Get ready for EOG testing/ROAs, and required paperwork
-Finish 504 meetings/plans
See Ongoing Services
Classroom SEL Counseling
- Funny Tummy Program for 1st graders/District expectation
Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
Middle School Registration:
Early May: Elementary Schools will send info to middle schools
Final Core AND electives requests copies sent home to parents
Mid-May: Counselor Watch Lists Due
-ASCA data collection and MEASURE workup. Due June 30th.
-Survey teachers and parents about next years’ needs and things to focus on (Magnet Coordinator can add to End of Year Checklist)
See Ongoing Services
- Wrap up Classroom Counseling: K & 1st via *Second Step
- Wrap up Individual Counseling: K-5
- Wrap up small group/ Tenemos Esto! Small Group Counseling Program: Small group of sessions for 5th grade Hispanic boys
- Identify students who need to be seen or need continued counseling next year
-ASCA data collection/workup. Due June 30th.
-Survey teachers and parents about next years’ needs and areas to focus on.
*Second Step SEL Programming
-Wrap up*Second Step implementation for kindergarten and first grade
-Wrap up *Second Step for 2nd-5th grade teachers, obtain feedback via teacher survey
-Devise *Second Step usage report and send to Admin Team
Shared Drives
Check over all documents and finalize them as needed.
Prep calendar for next year