Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
We appreciate your help in making our morning and afternoon arrival and dismissal process as safe and orderly as possible. With over 1,000 students, we need 100% parent cooperation to ensure the safety of our students. Thank you for your support as you adhere to the following guidelines:
- During morning arrival, between 8:45 am and 9:15 am, there will be no parking and walking a child into the building. You must follow the carpool line and drop your chid off at the safety cones in front of the building. There will be staff members and safety patrol students helping at morning arrival
- If you need to pick your child up between 3:15 pm and 4:15 pm, you must use the carpool line (you will need a carpool number - they are free and available at the Main Office)
- At dismissal, please do not park at the middle school and pick your child up from the back door
Carpool Traffic Pattern
Please take a moment to review our Carpool Traffic Pattern Map to ensure the safety of our families.
Generally speaking, we do not have a group that consistantly walks to/from our school. If you would like to walk to/from school on a particular day, please contact the Main Office at 919-466-1466 and request your child be sent outside as a walker with the carpool group at dismissal. At this point, you can meet your child near the covered area as you approach the front doors (this is also where are the carpool children sit). Sometimes our 5th graders like to walk to the Middle School at dismissal. Please know we do NOT allow any student of MPE to walk over to Mills Park Middle School unchaperoned.