Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
The purpose of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is to provide assistance to schools to create positive school climates and develop more effective strategies for working with challenging behavior. This is achieved through school-wide behavior support planning, professional development and best behavioral practices, supporting teachers to master strategies, and developing systems of intervention for small groups of students and for specific students. Each school participating in the initiative develops specific goals, identifies data sources to measure progress, and creates an action plan to meet goals.
PBIS is a nationally recognized research-based best practice designated by the office of Special Education Programs as one of the "Ideas that Work". Schools that implement PBIS with fidelity over time demonstrate the following outcomes:
- Improved school climate
- Reductions in office discipline referrals and in-school and out of school suspensions
- Increased parent and community satisfaction
- Improved systems for responding to students in need of additional support with social behavior
The mission of PBIS Coach Team in Wake County Public School System is to empower adults within a school with the skills needed to improve overall classroom and school climate to achieve higher academic performance for all students.