• Inclement Weather

    In case of inclement weather, please tune into local news for a possible delayed opening or school closing. The schools will not be listed individually, you will need to look for information regarding Wake County Public School System.

    The following schedule applies in the event of a 2-hour delayed opening:

    • Before School Begins at: 9:00 am
    • Student arrival: 10:45 am - 11:15 am
    • Instructional day begins: 11:15 am
    • Dismissal: 3:45 pm

    Early Dismissal Information


    • If school closes early, the YMCA After School Program is canceled
    • If WCPSS afternoon/evening activities are canceled, the YMCA After School Program is canceled
    • If school closes early, the Y-Learning Program is canceled. Students in the Y-Learning Program go home as they do on Fridays
    • If WCPSS afternoon/evening activities are canceled, the Y-Learning Program is canceled. Students in the Y-Learning Program go home as they do on Fridays

    School Closings/Delays/Early Dismissal Resources