• Lost and Found

    The "Lost and Found" is located in the back, left-left hand corner of the cafeteria. Our items are maintained on a silver metal cart with a hanging rack and shelf. Any items left over from lunch and/or recess are turned into the lost and found. Items are kept for approximately one month. Around the last week of the month unclaimed items are donated to a local charity. If the items are labeled with the child's name, every effort will be made to return the item to the student. Please remember to label items and check the lost and found periodically.

    Any left-over items from the YMCA after-school program are kept in a separate location. If your child left something behind at the after-school program, please ask a YMCA staff member for assistance.


    Lost Item on the School Bus

    If your child lost an item on the school bus, you will have to contact the bus driver. If you cannot catch up with the bus driver, you can contact the Transportation Department and fill out an electronic Customer Service Form and indicate "lost item".