Student Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

  • It is important that families understand their students' responsibility as learners in the WCPSS Virtual Academy. All WCPSS Virtual Academy students must comply with the WCPSS Student Code of Conduct as well as all state and federal laws, school board policies, and local school rules governing behavior and conduct. WCPSS Virtual Academy students must abide by the rules outlined in their school’s handbook during the regular instructional day as well as extracurricular events that are affiliated with the school.


    WCPSS Virtual Academy students will:

    • Attend and engage in daily live, real-time instruction. Students should use their cameras and microphones, to the extent possible. Students should reply promptly and remain engaged, regardless of camera usage.
    • Check Canvas every day.
    • Demonstrate active engagement and learning through the completion of all assignments by deadlines established by the classroom teacher.
    • Engage in independent learning activities and credit requirements.
    • Participate in all district and state-mandated assessments either in the virtual environment or assigned school building as directed by the district and state. 
    • Independently use digital tools to communicate and collaborate with teachers and peers.
    • Communicate with classroom teachers regularly and examine provided feedback.
    • Make sure you are available to meet when requested by the teacher or administration.  
    • Choose a learning space with minimal distractions. 
    • Use technology as outlined in the WCPSS Technology and Student Responsible Use Policies.


    Academic Integrity

    Academic honesty is essential to excellence in education and is directly related to WCPSS Virtual Academy expectations for students. As all schoolwork is a measure of student performance, academic honesty facilitates an accurate measurement of student learning.
    In alignment with WCPSS academic integrity policy 4310, WCPSS Virtual Academy expects all students to maintain academic integrity and honesty while participating in virtual learning.