To: All Parents and Staff of Wake County Public Schools
From: Stephen McLoughlin, Director, Environmental & Grounds Department
Re: Annual Notification: Asbestos Management Plan
Date: December 2023
In the fall of 1989, in compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the school system had inspections conducted in each of our school buildings for the purpose of identifying asbestos-containing building materials. The inspection findings and resulting asbestos Management Plans have been on file in each school administrative office since that time. Management Plans for all schools are also available in the Environmental and Grounds Department office.
The EPA requires us to perform periodic surveillances of the asbestos materials every 6 (six) months. No significant changes in the asbestos material were noted during the 2022-2023 school year.
Every 3 (three) years, the EPA requires the school system to have the asbestos materials re-inspected by an accredited Asbestos Inspector or Management Planner. The Management Planner then reviews the results of the re-inspection and recommends actions that should be taken to safely manage each of the identified asbestos materials in school buildings.
The latest re-inspection was conducted in the Summer of 2022. The asbestos materials that were found to be in satisfactory condition will be managed in place as recommended by the accredited Management Planner. Interior materials that were recommended for removal were removed over winter break. Exterior materials recommended for removal will be removed over Spring break. The next accredited re-inspection will occur in the Summer of 2025.
The results of all periodic surveillances and three-year re-inspections are on file in the Environmental and Grounds Department administrative office located on Rock Quarry Rd. You may view these documents during normal business hours by appointment (Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM). You may contact the Customer Service Hotline (919) 856-8120 to reach the Asbestos AHERA Designee, Stephen McLoughlin, for more detailed information about the program or questions regarding a specific building.