Fourth Grade Flyers
Welcome to fourth grade! In science, students will learn about landforms, earth materials, magnetism and electricity and the exciting animal habitats of African Dwarf Frogs, Millipedes, and Fiddler Crabs! In English Language Arts, students will be exposed to a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Students will learn about the different story traits such as characters, setting, and plot (problem and solution) as well as learn how to make inferences using context clues. In the nonfiction texts, students will learn about the text features and text structures. In math, division and fractions are the two largest emphasis. We are looking forward to this school year with the Fourth Grade Students.
The fourth grade website can be found at https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/pgesfourthgrade/home.
Families can also access helpful resources at the WCPSS k-12 mathematics parent site https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/k-12mathematics/home