Welcome to the English Department

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    At Middle Creek High School we follow the North Carolina common core, which provides a set of English competencies for each high school course to ensure rigorous student academic performance standards that are uniform across the state. It is based on a philosophy of teaching and learning that is consistent with current research, exemplary practices, and national standards. The ultimate purpose of the English curriculum is to teach students the language abilities they need to communicate effectively as individuals and as contributing members of society. It is a spiraling curriculum in the sense that many of the same skills develop over time. Grades 9-10 and 11-12 have common goals that increase in difficulty and depth as is grade-appropriate. Students are exposed to ideas, evaluate those ideas, and communicate their evaluations. Students develop skills in reading for meaning and information, writing, speaking and listening, and language. 
    The common core is the framework that guides classroom instruction and assessment for every student in North Carolina. It is the ultimate guide for textbook selection and the foundation of the North Carolina testing program. Wake County teachers select readings from the core approved reading lists and then supplement those readings. U.S. documents and Shakespearean studies are included every year.
    All students must pass all four years of English and the English 2 end of course test (EOC) in order to graduate.  In addition, students can prepare for college level courses through Advanced Placement (AP) English 3 and 4 classes, which include the option to take the AP language and literature tests respectively with the potential to earn college credit at most colleges and universities.  Middle Creek students may also elect to take specialized courses in African-American literature, creative writing, cultural media literacy, newspaper, and speech.