Welcome to Fine Arts

  • Band 

    The Band program here at MCHS is made up of several band classes. In the fall the course offerings are Marching Band, Concert Band (10-12), and 9th grade Concert Band. In the spring the course offerings are an auditioned Symphonic Band (9-12), Concert Band (10-12), and 9th grade Concert Band. Music at the high school level builds on K-8 music experiences as a comprehensive, sequential, and discipline-based program. Students continue to broaden their respect for and understanding of music as an art form. Students examine the relationship of music to other content areas and the role and meaning of music in various social, cultural, and historical contexts (NC DPI).

    Andrew Weiss - Band Director

    Band Booster Website

  • Chorus 

    The study of choral music and techniques at Middle Creek High School educates students to become independent musicians by way of music literacy skills, vocal and aural skill development, a theoretical understanding of musical concepts, and the practice of these in combination via a wide variety of choral repertoire. Along with the aforementioned knowledge base, a particular emphasis is placed on the art of performance. Many concerts throughout the semester demonstrate the activities, studies, growth, and development taking place within our choral music program. Course offerings are as follows: Beginning Mixed Chorus, Advanced Choral Ensemble, Advanced Women's Chorale. Honors credit for advanced classes is available. Placement into advanced choirs requires an audition and all choirs require enrollment for both fall and spring semesters.

    Andrea Siedschlag - Choral Director

    MCHS Choral Program Site

  • Theatre 

    The Theatre program at Middle Creek is focused around the four strands provided by the North Carolina Standard Course of Study: communication, analysis, aesthetics and culture. We offer Beginning Theatre for students who have no theatrical experience, Proficient Theatre for students continuing their theatrical education and Intermediate and Advanced theatre for students who have shown a mastery of skills and are ready for a production-based class. We also offer Beginning, Proficient, Intermediate and Advanced Technical Theatre in which students learn and apply skills in set construction, costuming, lighting, and sound for theatre. In addition to offerings during the school day, Middle Creek Theatre also does at least two mainstage productions, a Fall Play and a Spring Musical, as well as one acts to take to various competitions. All extracurricular activities are open to any MCHS student. 

    Please see the website for more information - https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/mchstheatre

  • Visual Arts 

    The visual arts department's mission is to challenge each student to develop and maintain a dynamic awareness of the importance of the arts in the human experience. The Visual Arts program at MCHS is centered on the ideas that the arts are basic building blocks in the classroom that add richness to an individuals life and help to creating life-long learning. 
    MCHS students may enroll in Visual Arts 1-4, Visual Arts 3 and 4 Honors as well as Sculpture and Ceramics 1-3. Lessons focus on critical thinking and problem solving, creative self-expression, and aesthetic awareness. The Visual Arts Department subscribes to the idea that a students abilities to contribute constructively and creatively to his ever changing world are furthered by the arts. Our students accomplish this by regularly exhibiting their art work throughout the school, our homes, and the community. Our students are engaged in many aspects of the arts around the community too as well as exhibiting their work in the community.