Wellness Committee
Beginning in 2014-2015 Penny Road started following the USDA Smart Snack in Schools Policy:All snacks and drinks served for celebrations, birthday treats, classroom rewards, lesson plans, etc. must contain a protein, whole grain, fruit, vegetable, or dairy product as a first ingredient. Food products with sugar listed as the first ingredient can not be served during school hours. A list of suggested treats will be provided for you the first week of school.
Penny Road Elementary is committed to developing the whole child, including their overall health and well being. Healthier schools lead to healthier students, a healthier community and a healthier world. Healthy kids have higher attendance rates, higher test scores and behave better in class. When schools work with children to improve academic achievement along with nutrition and physical activity needs, they improve readiness to learn and contribute immeasurably to the long term success not only of our children but of our world as well.
Healthy celebrations are an important part of providing a healthy school environment. They promote positive lifestyle choices to reduce student health risks and improve learning. Let’s try changing the focus from the frosting to the child. Finding new and healthy ways to make your birthday child the “star” for the day can make all children shine!
Mrs. Martin Recommends:
Nourish Interactive a great website for the whole family, with fun nutrition games for kids, interactive nutrition tools and tips for parents and health educators to use to promote healthy living for the whole family. Created by nutrition and health care professionals, Nourish Interactive’s nutrition education website gives children and families the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices.
Check out their library of free printables such as Fruits & Veggies Crossword and What Plants Need to Grow. All printables are in English and Spanish.