"Easy" Student Attendance Note
Use this form to submit an absence or tardy note for your child.Accident Forms
Student/Visitor Accident Report Form
Student Dental Accident Application
Bullying Reporting
Bullying Harrassment Worksheet
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker Prior Approval - Teacher
Guest Speaker Guidelines - Guest
Internet Forms
Parental Consent Required for Technology Use
A new school board policy requires signed parent permission in order for students to access technology and the Internet at school. Forms will be distributed to students from their homerooms. Please sign and send this form back to school as soon as possible. Students who do not return a signed form to school or whose parents deny permission will lose all access to technology tools and resources. You can find an summary of the policy, links to the actual WCPSS Board Policies and the consent forms in English and Spanish here: Consent for Technology and Digital Resource Use