Learning Commons

Learning Commons

  • Benefits of Reading

    Back-Up Reading Options for DEAR Time

    Study after study tells us that reading for pleasure:

    • Increases students’ engagement in learning, resulting in higher test scores and more positive attitudes about school and education
    • Improves reading achievement, which includes such things as as a strong vocabulary, a greater use of complex grammatical structures, and the development of a good writing style
    • Promotes cognitive development
    • Increases empathy and social skills
    • Is entertaining (a student who loves books is never bored)
    • Is correlated with better health
    • Leads to a positive sense of well being
    • Reduces stress


  • KHSCD Literacy Week

    4/23/18 - 4/27/18

    "I like #BigBooks and I Cannot Lie"


    Get ready for a great Literacy Week FULL of student-planned events - go ahead, grab a #BigBook and get your literacy on!

  • Monday - MEME Day… athletes vs. mathletes & come to the LC for a scavenger hunt at lunchTEACHERS... after-school teacher preview of our first ever BOOK FAIR!  Book Fair will re-open at 5:30 to parents/community/students before our Academic Recognition Night.

    Back up reading materials for Monday!  

    DEAR TWITTER CHALLENGE: Tweet out pics of kids reading in your class. #BigBooks

    Tuesday - Polar Express Day PJ day, bring your blankets - Check out our BOOK FAIR during your lunch in the LC!

    Video by Mariah about our 1st BOOK FAIR! bit.ly/bigbooks2

    Back up reading materials for Tuesday!

    DEAR TWITTER CHALLENGE: Tweet out a video of you reading out loud to your class. #BigBooks

    Wednesday - Students dress like your teachers… teachers, wear a literacy themed T-shirt, come to the LC to get "smartie" for a public library card and the BOOK FAIR is open!

    Back up reading for Wednesday!

    DEAR TWITTER CHALLENGE: Grab a "Poem in your Pocket" (LC) and tweet out a pic with it. #BigBooks

    Thursday - Color Wars… represent your dystopian district (9 - yellow, 10 - green, 11 - purple, 12 - orange) visit with local author Jeanette Battista at C lunch in the LC  - BOOK FAIR open - AND come and grab a Poem for your Pocket!!!

    "Go Ahead... judge a book by it's cover" door decorating contest - VOTE on best - students can vote here bit.ly/doorvoting

    Back up reading for Thursday!

    DEAR Twitter challenge - Take a pic with your decorated door - students can vote here - winner announced Friday.

    Friday - 90s Day Poetry SLAM at C lunch - open mic, BOOK FAIR only open 1st period! 

    Back up reading for Friday!

    DEAR Twitter challenge - Tweet out your favorite literacy-related thing from the week!

    "I like big books and I cannot lie" #BigBooks 


  • EVERYDAY... Make sure you've got reading material - something fun, anything you want!  We will read for 10 minutes of Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) time each class, all week.

    We don't want you to be an "egghead," so come check out a book from the LC any time you want.  

    Don't be a "dum dum," let your voice be heard at our teen literacy opinion table. 

    You don't need lunch passes during Literacy Week.