The World Language department at Wakefield houses our world languages as well as our English as a Second Language classes. At Wakefield, we offer French, German, Latin, and Spanish. Generally, colleges and universities require a minimum of two credits of the same world language for admission; however many competitive schools favor three consecutive credits of the same language. Very competitive students should consider four or more credits of the same language, including AP courses. Here are the classes offered at Wakefield:Foreign Language Classes offered at Wakefield:
French German Latin French I French II
Honors French III
Honors French IV^
Honors French V^German I German II
Honors German III
Honors German IV
Honors German VLatin I
Latin II
Honors Latin III
Honors Latin IV
AP Latin^Spanish English as a Second Language (ESL) Spanish I Spanish II
Honors Spanish III
Honors Spanish IV
AP Spanish Language*
AP Spanish Literature*
*on demand only
When learning a new language, it’s important to practice every night in order to be successful! New material will always build on old material, so students should study/practice in a way that promotes long-term retention (and not short-term memorization). Sometimes, this means students need to change the way they approach studying for a language class. It may require additional preparation or even studying in a different way. It may also mean reaching out to the teacher for help more than has been necessary for other classes. The World Language teachers are committed to helping students succeed, so don’t be afraid to ask questions!
In addition to teacher help, there are a number of excellent websites available to help students review vocab and grammar:
Foreign Language Department Directory
Last Name | First Name | Position | Teacher Website | |
Anderson | Karhonda | kkanderson@wcpss.net | Spanish | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/kkanderson/home |
Barry | Cassia | cbarry@wcpss.net | Spanish | |
Furches | Annie | nfurches@wcpss.net | Spanish/Department Chair | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/spanishwithfurches/home |
Hill | Stevens | sahill@wcpss.net | Latin | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/mrhill2021-2022/home |
Marioara | Lili | lmarioara@wcpss.net | ESL | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/esl-with-ms-marioara/home |
Martinko | Sarah | smartinko@wcpss.net | ESL | |
Mialy | Rabe | mraberanjanivo@wcpss.net | French | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/mialy-rabe-ranjanivo/home |
Spampinato | Tracy | tspampinato@wcpss.net | German | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/spamsvirtualclass/home |
Virgil | James | jvirgil@wcpss.net | Spanish |