AP Summer Assignments have been updated for the 2024-2025 school year.
AP 2-D Design
2024-2025 AP 2-D Required Summer Assignment
Please contact Ms. Kennedy with questions (jekennedy@wcpss.net).
AP Biology
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Osti with questions (josti@wcpss.net).
AP Calculus AB/BC
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Buffkin with questions (cbuffkin@wcpss.net).
AP Chemistry
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Buffkin with questions (cbuffkin@wcpss.net).
AP Drawing
2024-2025 AP Drawing Required Summer Assignment
Please contact Ms. Kennedy with questions (jekennedy@wcpss.net).
AP English Language and Composition (English III)
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Brodie at cbrodie@wcpss.net with questions.
AP English Literature and Composition (English IV)
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Parnell with questions (mparnell@wcpss.net).
AP Environmental Science
Please contact Mr. Richards questions (rrichards@wcpss.net).
AP French Language and Culture
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Brown with questions (bbrown1@wcpss.net).
AP Government and Politics
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Lowery with questions (aelowery@wcpss.net).
AP Human Geography
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Lowery (aelowery@wcpss.net).
AP Physics
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Buffkin with questions (cbuffkin@wcpss.net).
AP Pre-Calculus
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Mullen with questions (jmullen@wcpss.net).
AP Psychology
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Huff (thuff@wcpss.net) with questions.
AP Spanish Language and Culture
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Alarcon (lalarconfonseca@wcpss.net) with questions .
AP Statistics
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Mullen with questions (jmullen@wcpss.net).
AP Studio Art
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Lemon with questions (dlemon@wcpss.net).
AP United States History
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Mr. Huff (thuff3@wcpss.net) with any questions.
AP World History
The AP summer assignment for 24-25 is TBD.
This information has been updated for 23-24; a 4th assignment will be coming. Please contact Mr. Grether with questions (mgrether@wcpss.net).
Pre-AP English II
There is not a required summer assignment for this course. Please contact Ms. Jenkins with questions (smjenkins@wcpss.net).