
    Enloe High School

    Testing Dates for 2024-2025



    PSAT (11th grade)

    October 16th

    PreACT (10th grade)

    November 6th

    ACT (11th grade)

    March 25th

    Exams (9th - 12th grades)




    2024 Final Exam Schedule

    Enloe High School will follow the schedule below for the administration of final exams.






    June 2nd


    Teacher Made Exams Begin


    Period 1A Exam

    7:25 am - 10:25 am


    Lunch-10:25 am-11:13 am


    Period 2A Exam

    11:19 am - 2:19 pm

    EOC’s for Seniors

    7:25 am - 11:20 am

    June 3rd

    Period 3A Exam

    7:25 am - 10:25 am

    Lunch-10:25 am-11:13 am

    Period 4A Exam

    11:19 am - 2:19 pm

    Make-UP Day for

    EOC’s for Seniors

    7:25 am - 11:20 am

     June 4th

    Period 1B Exam

    7:25 am - 10:25 am

    Lunch-10:25 am-11:13 am

    Period 2B Exam

    11:19 am - 2:19 pm

    June 5th 

    Period 3B Exam

    7:25 am - 10:25 am

    Lunch-10:25 am-11:13 am

    Period 4B Exam

    11:19 am - 2:19 pm

     June 6th 

    English II EOC

    7:25am - 11:20 am

     June 9th 

    Math I EOC

    7:25am - 11:20am

    June 10th 


    7:25am - 11:20am

     June 11th

    Math III EOC 

    7:25am - 11:20am

    June 12th

    Make-up Exams beginning at 7:25 am  

     June 13th

    Make-up Exams beginning at 7:25 am



    Important Notes

    ● All students are required to take End-of-Course (EOC) and CTE Post Assessments on campus. A list of those exams can be found below.

    ● Students must bring their WCPSS issued device to use for all exams.

    Grading for Exams: EOC & CTE Post Assessments and teacher-made exams will count 20% of the final course grade and are REQUIRED of ALL students. A Zero will be recorded for an exam grade if the student does not take the exam within the 10 day window. The original EOC scale score, achievement level, and percentile will be reflected on the student transcript.

    Testing Outside of the Exam Window: Students cannot test outside of the testing window June 2, 2025- June 13, 2025. Exceptions must be requested and approved in advance by the district. The district only approves exceptions in very rare cases. To submit a request to test outside the exam window, contact Kasey Wilmers, school testing coordinator: kwilmers@wcpss.net. Requests must be submitted by Monday, May 6, 2024, to be considered. No requests for exceptions will be accepted after May 6, 2024.

    Medical Exemptions: Students with significant medical or health concerns should contact their counselor to complete a medical exemption waiver. Medical waivers are due by May 6, 2024. Students are required to take a state required EOC, CTE and teacher-made exam if a medical exemption is not submitted.

    Senior Exam Exemptions: Seniors who have a final grade of a “B” or better in a course and no more than 10 class absences will be considered EXEMPT from the Final Exam for that course. Absences include excused and unexcused absences as well as college visits or educational absences. Students will not be exempt from CTE Post-Assessment Exams or EOC exams. Seniors in AP or IB courses are eligible for exam exemptions based on the grade and attendance requirements above.

     ● Students are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. Students must be present at the beginning of the exam period and must remain in the testing location for the duration of the exam to receive credit for the exam. To maintain the integrity of all exams, students will not be permitted to check-out early during any exam period. Any  changes of dates or times for teacher made exams for individual students may be granted at the discretion of the teacher but must be within the 10-day testing window.

    ● Students can leave campus after their exam session has ended if they have turned in their permission slip and if they have a way home. Students who remain on campus after exams are complete, must remain in the designated and supervised area until dismissal at 2:20pm.

    ● Students who are absent from EOC & CTE Post Assessments and teacher-made exams will be contacted by their teacher with a location and time. The student should make-up the exam on June 11th or 12th.

    ● According to North Carolina Testing Policy, students are not allowed to bring electronic devices other than approved calculators and WCPSS supported devices into the testing room at any time during State Testing, including breaks. Any student with a cell phone/electronic device during the testing period may be dismissed from testing, and a misadministration may be declared for that student. A student who has been dismissed for a violation of the electronic device policy must take the missed exam on a make-up day. Per Wake County School Board Policy 3225, the student is subject to disciplinary action by school administration.

    All buses will follow their normal departure schedule. No early departures will be provided.

    • Students who do not have transportation home at the end of the exam session will be assigned to study hall in the Cafeteria for the remainder of the day. 

     ● Breakfast and lunch will be available for students who must be on campus to take exams.






    CTE Post-Assessments

    Biology I

    English II

    Math I

    Math III

    Foods I - F. Black & L. Dextre

    Foods II - F. Black & L. Dextre

    Child Development - M. Rhaney

    Apparel I & II - P. Graham

    Interior Design Fundamentals - J. Reimers

    Business Essentials - K. Covington & G. Kennedy

    Project Management I - M. Busch

    Health Science I - A. Jackson & R. Wright

    Accounting I & II - G. Kennedy

    NOTE to Parents:

    Any student who successfully completes the PBM or obtains the required credentials as their Proof of Learning will not be expected to take a Teacher - made exam and will not be required to be on campus during that class period.



    • If you have EOC & CTE Post Assessment questions, please contact Enloe Test Coordinator Kasey Wilmers at kwilmers@wcpss.net.

    • For teacher-made testing questions, please contact your individual teacher directly.