ATAM Curriculum and Student Forms
The Academy of Technology & Advanced Manufacturing (ATAM) engages students in a rigorous, project-based curriculum. Students will be equipped with the personal, analytical, technical, teamwork, communication, and employability skills necessary to be successful in college and today’s workforce. The Academy model provides an environment for teachers to develop interdisciplinary activities that make learning relevant and capture the interest of students. The Technology and Advanced Manufacturing themes are fully integrated with core academic content to help students achieve the extended benefit of their academy courses. Students have the opportunity to learn the same industry-leading technology skills and applications used in top businesses and organizations. The program is designed to expose students to the many different disciplines of engineering, technology and advanced manufacturing.
Curriculum By Grade Level
9th Grade Cohort Classes
- English: English I (Honors)*
- Social Studies: World History (Honors)*
- Science: Earth Science (Honors); Biology(Honors)*
- Math: Varies
- CompTIA IT Fundamentals -* All ATAM students must take drafting as the first course in their technical pathway.
10th Grade Cohort Classes
- English: English II (Honors)*
- Social Studies: Civics and Literacy(Honors)*
- Science: Biology(Honors)*; Chemistry(Honors)
- Math: Varies
ATAM Technical Courses
Students will pick one or both courses below to complete the 4-year technical pathway.- Technology, Engineering and Design(Honors)*
- Advanced Manufacturing 1(Honors)*
* Cohorted Academy Students
11th Grade Cohort Classes
- English: English III (Honors)*
- Social Studies: American History(Honors); APUSH(if registration numbers warrant)*
- Science: Varies
- Math: Varies
ATAM Technical Courses
Students will pick one or both courses below to complete the 4-year technical pathway.- Technological Design(Honors)*
- Advanced Manufacturing 2(Honors)*
* Cohorted Academy Students
12th Grade Cohort Classes
- English: English IV (Honors)*
- Social Studies: Economics and Personal Finance(Honors)*
- Science: Varies
- Math: Varies
ATAM Technical Courses
Students will pick one or both courses below to complete the 4-year technical pathway.- Engineering Design(Honors)*
- Advanced Manufacturing 2 and Robotics(Honors)*
* Cohorted Academy Students