Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you clarify what changes will actually take place?

  • Will there be additional opportunities for public engagement? Parents want to know of any changes as soon as possible in order to begin to make adjustments as needed.

  • What will be the calendar for Parkside Middle School when it opens?

  • What year will Parkside Middle open? It was originally scheduled for the 2026-2027 school year.

  • Since Morrisville High will be opening in 2027, will my child be forced to go to that school if they will be in 11th grade?

  • What does the district plan to do to keep the elementary students safe from the high school students since they will now be on the same campus?

  • Will the students from Providence Place or Kitts Creek families that were reassigned to Pleasant Grove Elementary be reassigned again once Parkside Middle School opens? Having to change schools again has a negative impact on our students.

  • Will my child be reassigned to a different school to accommodate the growth in Mills Park Middle or Alston Ridge Middle, only to be reassigned again when Parkside Middle opens?