• Elementary School Programs

Image of elementary students
  • Elementary schools build a strong foundation for learning throughout a student's life. It is our goal to make sure that each elementary student receives an equitable, rigorous and relevant education. We offer guidelines, resources and professional development for teachers to make good decisions around student learning. 

    A typical day

    • English Language Arts: Students in Grades K-2 spend 150 minutes reading and writing; Students in grades 3-5 spend 120 minutes in reading and writing.
    • Math: 60 minutes for grades K-2; 60-75 minutes for grades 3-5.
    • Science/Social Studies: 45 minutes for grades K-2; 50 minutes for grades 3-5.
    • Intervention and Enrichment: 20 minutes for grades K-2; 30 minutes for grades 3-5.
    • Arts, Healthful Living, Media/Tech, World Languages: 30-45 minutes, once a week for grades K-2; 45 minutes for grades 3-5.
    • Lunch: 30 minutes for all grades.



Get ready for Kindergarten!

Is your child ready for kindergarten? Make sure they are prepared.

Literacy at Home

NCDPI’s Digital Children’s Reading Initiative provides resources for families organized by skill and grade level.

La iniciativa de lectura digital para niños, por parte del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Carolina del Norte (NCDPI) les proporciona a las familias recursos organizados por habilidad y nivel de grado.