• Below are some scenarios you may encounter as a student, along with information about what to do in each situation. It is important to remember, however, that a very simple answer to ALL of these questions--as well as to others we may not have included--is to find an adult you trust in this building and ask for help and/or go to Student Services. A GLHS adult can either help you or get you to the person best able to assist.

  • I'm absent.

  • I'm tardy.

  • I need to leave early for an appointment.

  • I am eligible for a student parking pass and want to get one.

  • I would like a lunch pass.

  • I would like a locker.

  • I forgot something at home.

  • I’m having a problem with my WakeID and/or accessing PowerSchool or my school email account.

  • I need to schedule an appointment to talk to my school counselor.

  • I don’t like my class schedule.

  • I'm having a problem with a teacher or a class.

  • I feel sick.

  • I need something to eat.

  • I need sanitary products.

  • I am upset and I need to talk to someone about it right now.

  • I am worried about a friend and need to speak to someone right now.