• Fly Friday

    College and Career Advisory Program Built Into Our School Day

    Fly Friday is Vernon Malone College and Career Academy's advisory program. The purpose of the Fly Friday program is to provide students with structured academic, social-emotional, and future-planning support. Students are assigned to Fly Friday groups by grade level within their program area. When possible, they stay in the same cohort with the same advisory teacher all four years of high school. Staying with the same teacher allows students to develop a relationship with a trusted adult in the building. Research shows that students are more likely to thrive when they build strong relationships with at least one adult in the school building. 
    Students attend Fly Friday the second and fourth Fridays of each month. The second Friday is dedicated to growing skills students need for college. The fourth Friday of the month focuses on developing skills for future careers. Students will see that even with the two distinct focus areas, many of these skills overlap and prepare them for both college and career. Fly Fridays will help improve communication skills, collaboration skills, independent work skills. self-management skills, study skills, and many more. Students will participate in group activities, interact with guest speakers, and generate discussions related to their program area. Our Silver Hawks can employ skills learned during Fly Friday to soar to new heights of achievement.