Click on the department tabs below for Email Addresses, Course Website information, and Weekly Office Hours.
Parents/Guardians can stay informed about student work with Canvas.
- Canvas - How to sign up for a Canvas parent account to view due dates, announcements, and other course information.
Se habla español.
Sra. Tracy Taylor
Email: ttaylor5@wcpss.net
extensión: 24761
Sra. Rossy Garcia
Email: rgarcia@wcpss.net
extensión: 24765
Anna Miller, ALC Instructor
Email (@wcpss.net): asmiller
Parents: Please contact ALC directly at (919) 856-8119 ext. 24775 or email asmiller@wcpss.net
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Eric Gibbons, NBCT: Art Instructor, Department Chair, Japan Language Club
Email (@wcpss.net): egibbons
2nd Period - Art & Design I Honors
3rd Period - Art & Design III & IV Honors
4th Period - Art & Design I Honors
Website: VMCCART.weebly.com
Global Exposure: Our art program is followed by thousands of art educators internationally!
Parent/Guardian Resources: https://vmccart.weebly.com/for-parents.html
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:20-3:20
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Brandon Adams, Technology Education Teacher
Email (@wcpss.net): mbadams
1st Period - Technology, Engineering & Design
3rd Period - Technology, Engineering & Design
4th Period - Technology, Engineering & Design
Parents: I firmly believe in teaching students to think for themselves to solve engineering problems. With that, I also believe in hands-on projects to reinforce classroom concepts. If you have the opportunity to donate any engineering supplies to our program; metal, wood, levers, pulleys, fasteners, etc...please email me. Thank you!
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:20-3:20
Rusty Baldwin, Career Development Coordinator, Internship Coordinator, Race Car Club
Email (@wcpss.net): rbaldwin2
CDC Focus: Business Advisory, Internship Coordinator, CTE Field Trips
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Amanda Ireland-Desmond, Career Development Coordinator, Testing Coordinator, Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy, National Technical Honor Society, SkillsUSA
Email (@wcpss.net): aireland
CDC Focus: Instructional Management Coordinator, Fly Friday Director, Testing Coordinator
Weekly Office Hours: Thursday 2:30-3:30
Michael Maxwell, Collision
Email (@wcpss.net): mpmaxwell
Classroom Links:
1st Period - Collision Repair Fundamentals
2nd Period - Collision Repair I
Student Access: Students may log into Google Classroom through the WakeID portal.
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Jill Oliver, Career Development Coordinator, Magnet Coordinator, Beginning Teacher Coordinator
Email (@wcpss.net): oliver
CDC Focus: Marketing, CTE Events, Website/Social Media
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Dominique Ormond, Intervention Coordinator & Special Populations Coordinator
Email (@wcpss.net): dormond
Weekly Office Hours:
Patrick Parker, Video Game Club Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): prparker
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Python Programming I Honors
2nd Period - Python Programming I Honors
4th Period - AP Computer Science Principles
Student Access:Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parents/Guardians Resources: AP Computer Science Principles curriculum
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesday 2:20-3:20
Elizabeth Price, NBCT: Business Education Teacher, Department Chair, STUCO Advisor, SkillsUSA Advisor,
Email (@wcpss.net): ehprice
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Marketing I
2nd Period - Marketing I
4th Period - Marketing I
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. They will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Kendrick Vines, Business Education, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): klvines
Course Links:
1st Period - Microsoft Excel Honors
3rd Period - Microsoft Excel Honors
4th Period - Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.Weekly Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30
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Bethany Curia
Email (@wcpss.net): bcuria
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - English I Honors
3rd Period - English I Honors
4th Period - English I Honors
Student Access:
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Rebecca Hamilton, Department Chair
Email (@wcpss.net): rahamilton
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period - English III Honors
3rd Period - English IV Honors
4th Period - English IV Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Jeremy Shaner, Yearbook Advisor, Podcast Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): jshaner
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period - English II Honors
3rd Period - Yearbook
4th Period - English II Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parents/Guardians: Please contact me via email at jshaner@wcpss.net
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30
Parent/Guardian Resources:
Khan Academy Grammar - Several free video tutorials and interactive assignments teaching proper grammar.
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Zach Hershey, Department Chair,
Email (@wcpss.net): zhershey
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Healthful Living I Honors
2nd Period - Healthful Living I Honors
3rd Period - Weight Training
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parent/Guardian Resources: NC Essentials Program Guide - WCPSS Healthful Living & PE Overview
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:20-3:20
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Kathleen Grismer, Intervention Team Member, Dance Club Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): kgrismer
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period - AP Precalculus
3rd Period - AP Precalculus
4th Period - Math III Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30
Ashley Sandberg, SIP Committee, RTI Committee
Email (@wcpss.net): asandberg
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Math I Honors
2nd Period - Math II Honors
3rd Period - Math II Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.Parents/Guardians: All resources are in Canvas, including DeltaMath assignments.Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30
Stacy Surratt, Department Chair
Email (@wcpss.net): ssurratt
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Math III Honors
2nd Period - Math II Honors
3rd Period - Math III Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parent/Guardian Resources: Course Syllabus is located in Canvas on the Home page. Email me with any questions.
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30
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Media Center
Jill Ray, Library Media Specialist, Department Chair, Media Technology Advisory Committee, National Honor Society Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): jray2
Website: VMCCA Media Center
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30
School Nurse
Sharon Lountzis, BSN, RN, NCSN
Email: slountzis@wcpss.net
Jose Acosta
Email (@wcpss.net): jjacosta
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Chemistry Honors
3rd Period - Chemistry Honors
4th Period - Physical Science
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parent Resources: Can be found on PowerSchool or Canvas. Please reach out if there are any questions or concerns.
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30
Matthew Smith, Green Team Advisor, Music Club Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): msmith38
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - AP Environmental Science
3rd Period - AP Environmental Science
4th Period - Earth & Environmental Science Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parents/Guardians: Resources can be found on Canvas and Powerschool. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to email me with any questions or concerns msmith38@wcpss.net.
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:20 - 3:20
Heather Wimberly, Department Chair
Email (@wcpss.net): hwimberly
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Honors Biology
2nd Period - Honors Biology
4th Period - Honors Biology
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parent/Guardian Resources: Canvas and Powerschool; please email me any time.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20 - 3:20
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Social Studies
Kayla Hoggard, School Improvement Chair
Email (@wcpss.net): khoggard
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period - AP US History
3rd Period - Civic Literacy Honors
4th Period - AP US History
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal.
Parents/Guardians Resources: Khan Academy is an excellent resource for supplementary resource. AP Students should consider purchasing an AMSCO review book or another AP Style book for additional review.
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30
Tammy King, Department Chair
Email (@wcpss.net): tking2
1st Period - World History Honors
3rd Period - World History Honors
4th Period - Economics & Personal Finance Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. They will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30
Jason Schlafer, Race Car Club Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): jschlafer
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st - Economics and Personal Finance Honors
2nd - Civic Literacy
4th - Economics and Personal Finance Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. You will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
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Special Programs
Alicia Ellington, Department Chair, Chorus Club,
Email (@wcpss.net): cellington1
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period: Curriculum Assistance
3rd Period: Curriculum Assistance
Parent/Guardian Support: Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (https://www.ecac-parentcenter.org/); The Arc of the Triangle (https://triangledisability.org/
Additional Parent/Guardian Resources: Autism Society of NC (https://www.autismsociety-nc.org/
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
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Student Services
Tracy Taylor, Dean of Students, Department Chair, Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): ttaylor5
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:30
Stacy Davidson, Counselor (Last Names: A-L)
Email (@wcpss.net): sdavidson2
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30
Rossy Garcia, Counselor (Last Names: M-Z)
Email (@wcpss.net): rgarcia
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30
Mr. Dominique Ormond, Intervention Coordinator & Special Populations Coordinator
Email (@wcpss.net): dormond
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesday 2:20-3:20
Student Resource: As a member of both student services and CTE, I am here to support the needs of all youth and make sure they are successful as Silver Hawk students.
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Wake Tech Instructors
Biopharmaceutical Technology
Ebenezer Addae
Email (@waketech.edu): eaddae
Charlotte Boyd
Email (@waketech.edu): caboyd
Facility Maintenance Technology
Alex Baker, Electrical Systems
Email (@waketech.edu): akbaker2
Mr. Glenn Lofton, Heating & Air Cond.
Email (@waketech.edu): gmlofton
Nurse Aide
Kristen Holmes
Email (@waketech.edu): klholmes2
Simulation and Game Development
Lydia Granholm
Email (@waketech.edu): lfgranholm
Mr. Richard Marshall
Email (@waketech.edu): rsmarshall1
Olivia Houle
Email (@waketech.edu): oghoule
CTE Partnerships
Gina Beaudry, Director
Email (@waketech.edu): gvbeaudry
Campus Police
Officer Bram
Email (@waketech.edu): atbram
World Languages
Sarah Greene, School Improvement Team Member
Email (@wcpss.net): sgreene5
Canvas Course Public Links:
1st Period - Spanish II Honors
2nd Period - Spanish Heritage I
4th Period - Spanish II Honors
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. They will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesday 2:20-3:20
Clay Herget, Spanish Department Chair, Black Student Union Advisor
Email (@wcpss.net): rherget
Canvas Course Public Links:
2nd Period - Spanish I
3rd Period - Spanish I
4th Period - Spanish I
Student Access: Students may log into Canvas through the WakeID Portal. They will need to manually accept the course invitation from your teacher.
Parents/Guardians: Parents can track assignments in Canvas at the link above and they can track grades in Power School. The best way to contact me is by email at rherget@wcpss.net
Weekly Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:20-3:20
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