• 2024-2025 Grading Plan

    It is imperative that we maintain rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students. In doing so, we will maintain a fair and consistent process for evaluating student progress and ensure that it is understandable for students and parents. The information below provides specifics about our school-wide grading practices. These practices were developed in accordance with Board Policies 3135-R&P Homework and 3400-R&P Evaluation of Student Progress.




    indicates excellent mastery/achievement 



    indicates good mastery/achievement



    indicates satisfactory mastery/achievement



    indicates minimal mastery/achievement


    Below 60

    indicates insufficient mastery/achievement to earn credit toward graduation


    • Assignments for Sanderson High School are aligned with WCPSS Board policies. 
    • Specific information about assignment weight is communicated in the course syllabus. 
    • A minimum number of 4 assignments per category per semester.
    • Late/missing work will be coded as a zero in PowerSchool until the assignment is completed. 
    • Teachers will update Powerschool at least once per week.
    • Teachers assign grades based on work completed/submitted, not for behavior.


    • Students are expected to complete work for each class on time. 
    • Students are responsible for communicating with teachers to identify missed/missing assignments.
    • Students are expected to attend tutoring/office hours with their teacher if they have missing or late assignments.
    • Students with known upcoming absences should communicate with their teachers in advance of absences to obtain assignments. 


    Note: No individual assignment in these categories can be counted more than once.


    Honors & Academic

    Advanced Placement (AP)

    Major Assignments

    (Examples: unit tests, essays, labs, projects, presentations)



    Minor Assignments

    (Examples: quizzes, checkpoints, short/small assignments, classwork, homework*)



    Subject area PLTs will determine and communicate which assignments are considered “Major” versus “Minor”.  PLTs will align their assignment types for consistency.

    *Per WCPSS Board Policy 3140, homework will not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of a student's academic grade for a marking period.


    • Teachers in each content area PLT will accept missed/overdue work until the final summative assessment for that unit.
    • If a summative (major) assessment is due on the final day of the unit, the above plan applies, up to 4 days.  Summative assessments will not be accepted beyond 4 days late.
    • Students receive a minimum of 70% of the credit earned for late work. All work needs to be completed as specified by the teacher. 
    • Each content area will have the late/missing work policy in the course syllabus to discuss with students. 


    • Students will have the opportunity to remediate and reassess for any major assessment. For students who complete the reassessment, the grade will be replaced with the higher of the score. 
    • All reassessments should be completed prior to one week before the end of the quarter.  Teachers are not required to accept recovery/reassessments after this point. 
    • Additional remediation and retest opportunities may be established by the PLT.
    • The course recovery policy will be recorded in the course syllabus and discussed with students.


    • Retest opportunity provided on major assignments in each class.
    • Teachers hold office hours after school for student support a minimum of 1 hour per week.
    • Alternative Learning Center (ALC) is utilized for remediation and academic support.
    • Intervention Coordinator and team meet with students in targeted need of support.
    • Interim reports are sent home with students at the midpoint of each quarter.
    • Academic Recovery Plans (ARP) are provided to every student who earned lower than 60% at the end of the first nine weeks of a semester (Quarter 1 / Quarter 3) and has fewer than 10 absences.  The student is given the opportunity to remediate and demonstrate understanding of course objectives.  Upon successful completion of the ARP and maintaining at least 60% for the second nine weeks (Quarter 2 / Quarter 4), the teacher will update the grade for Quarter 1 / Quarter 3 to 60% prior to finalizing the course grade.
    • For students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP), they will have the opportunity to attend the Testing Lab to ensure their accommodations are provided when given tests and quizzes. A Special Education teacher is present to assist the student with their accommodations.  


    Sanderson High School does not offer extra credit. Grades earned are a reflection of mastery of the content. Students will be afforded opportunities to demonstrate mastery through remediation and grade recovery.


    Sanderson High School follows WCPSS policy regarding final exam exemptions for students in 12th grade.  The exam exemption policy is available here: Senior Exemptions