Career and Technical Education's purpose is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. At Wakefield we offer a variety of classes to meet our student's needs.
- Agriculture/Horticulture
- Animal Science
- Apparel
- Business Education
- Child Development
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Programming
- Digital Media/Graphics
- Drafting
- Foods
- Marketing
CTE Department Directory
CTE Class Options
Animal Science 1Animal Science 2Equine Science 1Equine Science 2Horticulture 1Horticulture 2Foods 2 Technology -
Business and Marketing
Accounting 1Business Law HonorsComputer Programming 1Computer Programming 2AP Computer ProgrammingAP Computer Science PrincipalsEntrepreneurship IFashion MerchandsingMarketingMicrosoft Excel and AccessMicrosoft Word and PowerPointPersonal FinancePrinciples of Business and FinanceSports and Entertainment Marketing 1Sports and Entertainment Marketing 2 -
Family and Consumer Science
Apparel and Textile Production 1Apparel and Textile Production 2Early Childhood Education 2Early Childhood Education 2Fashion MerchandsingFoods 1Foods 2 (Honors or Academic)Interior Design 1Interior Design 2Parenting and Child Development -
Trade and Industry & Techology
Adobe Video Design (Honors)Adobe Visual Design (Honors)Adobe Digital Design (Honors)Carpentry 2Core and Sustainable ConstructionCTE T&I Advanced Studies in Digital Media (with Teacher Approval)Digital Media 2 (Honors)Drafting 1Drafting 2 EngineeringDrafting 2 ArchitectureDrafting 3 EngineeringTechnology, Engineering, and Design