Course Offerings

  • The Enloe Science Department offers a variety of elective courses. These courses vary in duration (Semester or Year-Long), and in the intensity of exploration of the given subject matter.

    Semester Elective Courses

    • Animal Behavior
    • Botany
    • Genetics (H)
    • Human Diseases
    • Invertebrate Zoology
    • Marine Biology (H)
    • Microbiology
    • Outdoor Science
    • Research (Senior) (H)
    • Vertebrate Zoology
    • Astronomy

    Year-Long Courses

    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Anatomy & Physiology (H)
    • Astronomy (H)
    • Biology
    • Biology (H)
    • Biology (AP)
    • Chemistry
    • Chemistry (H)
    • Chemistry (AP)
    • Chemistry (HL)
    • Earth Science
    • Environmental Science (AP)
    • Physical Science
    • Physics
    • Physics - Level 1 (AP)
    • Physics - Level 2 (AP/IB)
    • Physics - Level C (AP)
    • Physics - Mechanics & Electricity (IB HL)
    • Research I & II
    • Research III