Student Expectations

  • Student Conduct

    All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.

    Todos los estudiantes son responsables de cumplir con y familiarizarse con el Codigo de Conducta Estudintil de WCPSS y las politicas de la Junta de Educacion que gobiernan el comportamiento y lo conduct de estudiantes. Todos las politicas del Condigo de Conducta Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos lo padres y estudiantes al principio de cada ano escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS. Si hay un conficto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual de Estudiantes/Padres y el manual de las escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en este deben tomar prioridad.

    The Vernon Malone College and Career Academy Student

    At Vernon Malone CCA, we first seek to help students understand the characteristics we expect them to display. VMCCA students should be:

    • Respectful
    • Reflective
    • Focused
    • Self-directed Self-advocates
    • Creative
    • Effective Communicators

    At VMCCA the faculty and staff will be committed to developing these traits in our students, and they will serve as the guide in all disciplinary interventions. Further, teachers will seek opportunities to recognize students when they exhibit the characteristics of a VMCCA student.

    We do understand that the students at VMCCA will sometimes make bad decisions and violate policies and procedures, and we will establish clear consequences for those behaviors. However, it is important that students understand we have high expectations for them, and we will support them to reach those expectations. Further, because all students applied to attend VMCCA, we expect them to have high expectations for themselves as well. It is only through high expectations that students will realize their potential and maximize the opportunities that come with being accepted to VMCCA. Bad decisions and disciplinary problems are not the pathway to graduating college and career ready.

    Parents will be a vital part of student success at VMCCA. In applications schools where students take college courses early, students experience rigor and challenges they may not have experienced before. The students must take responsibility for their learning in this type of environment and be self- advocates with VMCCA faculty and their parents. We will rely on parents to support their students and share concerns so that we may support students as well.

    Respect for School Environment

    VMCCA facilities should be respected in every way. Students have access to many areas on the VMCCA Campus. School property is state property and, therefore, belongs to everyone. It should be treated with all due respect and care. Defacing or damaging walls, desks, doors, walkways, books, and other school property is a sign of disrespect and poor citizenship. At VMCCA we respect our school and try our best to see that it is protected from needless abuse. Anyone who damages or destroys school property will be responsible for cost associated with replacing/repairing that property and be subject to additional disciplinary action as warranted.

    Tardy Policy

    Because instructional time is valuable and should be protected, it is very important that student arrive on time to each class every day.

    Consequences for Being Tardy to Class

    • First Tardy: Warning, contact a parent/guardian
    • Second Tardy: Warning, contact a parent/guardian
    • Third Tardy: Assign lunch detention and contact a parent/ guardian
    • Fourth Tardy: Assign period detention, contact a parent/ guardian, and refer to counselor
    • Fifth Tardy: Loss of off-campus lunch pass for two weeks or all day ISS, contact parent/guardian
    • Sixth Tardy: Attendance contracts, back to base letter, additional interventions

    If a student arrives to 2nd – 4th period more than 15 minutes late, the student is considered skipping and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

    Hall Passes

    Students may not receive hall passes during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. Students are limited to 6 hall passes per class for each semester. Students are not permitted in the halls during the school day unless they have their student agenda or office pass signed by a faculty member. For student- initiated requests, students must use their agenda books. For faculty-initiated requests, students will be issued an office pass. Students without a hall pass will be sent back to class and/or receive appropriate disciplinary action. Students are responsible for getting a hall pass from a teacher at all times if they are in the hall during class time.

    Locks and Lockers

    Students will be assigned a locker by the Assistant Principal who will provide the combination for the locker. Students are to use only the locker assigned to him/her by his/her teacher or by the Assistant Principal. Individual personal locks will not be allowed and will be cut off. The school will not be responsible for the security of any item stored in lockers. Books and/or other belongings placed in an unassigned locker or in a locker designated to another student will be removed. In addition, the lock will be removed. Lockers are the property of the school and may be searched at any time by a school official. Students should contact the Assistant Principal in charge of lock to determine the proper procedure to follow to replace a broken or lost lock. If a lock is broken or lost by a student, the replacement cost is $6.00. If the fine is not paid promptly, the teacher will turn in a fine at the end of school.

    Dress Code

    Students should be appropriately dressed at all times. Students should not dress in any manner, which would be disruptive to a climate conducive to serious study or the orderly operation of school. Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing that is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive, or obscene, or which endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited.

    Prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to:

    1. No exposed undergarments
    2. No spaghetti straps
    3. No bare midriff shirts, halter tops or backless shirts
    4. No tank tops/undershirts worn alone
    5. No pants worn below the hips; no sagging pants
    6. No excessively short or tight garments. No strapless shirts
    7. No attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors
    8. No adornments such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon
    9. Shoes are to be worn at all times.
    10. No see-through clothing
    11. No attire that exposes cleavage
    12. No symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation, violence or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified
    13. No sunglasses inside the building during the school day
    14. No mask or facial covering (except for religious reasons)
    15. Students dressed inappropriately will be given appropriate attire to wear. Inappropriate attire will be returned at the end of the school day.

    Wireless Communication Devices, iPods, Bluetooth, CD Players and Laser Pointers

    During instructional time, no student shall use, display, transmit or have in the “on” position on school property any wireless communication device including all types of cell telephones, paging devices, two-way radios, CD/MP3 players, electronic games, or any laser pointer or similar device. This policy also includes electronic accessories. The only exception is if the teacher gives permission for the students to use a device for instructional purposes. The school is not responsible for any stolen items. Students who violate this policy will have their item held in the office until a parent or guardian can claim it. Students who refuse to cooperate are subject to disciplinary consequences. Students are encouraged not to have electronic devices or accessories visible in their cars to limit the opportunity of thieves.

    If a student uses a laser pointer in a way that reasonably could or does cause physical harm, the laser pointer may be considered a dangerous instrument and the student may be charged with violation of Board Policy 6427 and disciplined accordingly. Electronic devices not picked up by a parent by the end of the year will be donated to charity.

    Sale of Items

    Students are not to engage in the sale of items to other students unless the sale is school- sponsored. Any sale of an item for the purpose of raising funds for school activities by the students shall have prior written approval by the principal and the superintendent. All fundraising activities should be coordinated with the administrator in charge of this assignment.

    Card Playing, Dice Throwing and Gambling

    No student or group of students is to engage in card playing, dice throwing, or gambling on campus during the school day. Students shall not participate in any unauthorized event, action, or statement which relies on chance for the monetary advantage of one participant at the expense of others. Playing cards on campus violates School Board Policy.

    Trespassing on Another School’s Campus

    No student shall be on the campus of any school except the one to which the student is assigned during the school day without the knowledge and consent of the officials of Vernon Malone College and Career Academy and that school.

    Smoking and Possession of Tobacco Products

    No student shall possess, smoke, or otherwise use any tobacco product in any school building or school vehicle at any time or on the school premises or while attending or participating in a school function. Possession of the above mentioned items will result in disciplinary action as outlined by School Board Policy.

    Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages, Controlled Substances, Chemicals, and Drug Paraphernalia

    No student shall possess, use, distribute, sell, possess with intent to distribute or sell, or conspire to attempt to distribute or sell, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, anabolic steroid, other controlled substance, any alcoholic beverage, malt beverage, fortified wine, other intoxicating liquor, drug paraphernalia, counterfeit substance, any unauthorized prescription drug, or any other chemicals or products with the intention of bringing about a state of exhilaration, euphoria, or otherwise altering the student’s mood or behavior. Any student violating this School Board Policy shall receive disciplinary actions.

    Seniors and ACE

    Seniors who violate Policy 6429 and are recommended for ACE (Alternative Education Counseling) must satisfactorily meet the agreed upon conditions prior to the school’s deadline for commencement. Failure to do so will preclude the violator from participating in graduation ceremonies. Diplomas will only be issued upon satisfactory completion of the agreed upon program.

    Possession of Weapons and Dangerous Instruments

    No student shall possess, handle, or transmit any weapon, facsimile of a weapon, or other object that can reasonably be considered or used as a weapon or dangerous instrument.

    Wake County Public School System’s Code of Conduct defines a weapon as any firearm, BB gun, stun gun, mace/pepper spray, air rifle, air pistol, ammunition, power loads, fireworks, knife, slingshot, leaded cane, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors, razor blades (except cartridge razors used solely for personal shaving), box cutter and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance.

    A dangerous instrument is defined as any object that is possessed, handled, transmitted, or used for the purpose or intent of causing or attempting to cause physical injury. A student violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action.


    No student shall hit, shove, scratch, bite, block the passage of, or throw objects at another person. No student shall take any action or make comments or written messages which might reasonably be expected to result in a fight. In addition to school disciplinary consequences, students who are involved in a fight may be arrested and charged with an affray, assault, and/or disruption.

    Students who do not fight back will not be subject to punishment

    Those students should report the incident immediately to an administrator or teacher. Students should not take matters into their own hands but should allow an adult to handle the situation. Students who instigate fights but are not actively involved (for example, students who carry rumors back and forth between other individuals who subsequently fight) are subject to disciplinary action. Students who are intimidated or harassed by another student should report the incident to a teacher or an administrator. In conclusion, fighting will not be tolerated on this campus or on school buses.

    Gang and Gang Related Activities

    The WCPSS does not support or condone gang membership or gang activity. No student shall commit any act that furthers gangs or gang-related activities. Conduct prohibited by this policy includes:

      • Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, visible tattoos and body markings, or other items, or being in possession of literature that shows affiliation with a gang, or is evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang or that promotes gang affiliation
      • Communicating either verbally or non-verbally (gestures, handshakes, slogans, drawings, etc.) to convey membership affiliation in any gang or that promotes gang affiliation
      • Tagging or otherwise defacing school or personal property with gang or gang-related symbols or slogans
      • Requiring payment of protection, money or insurance, or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person related to gang activity
      • Inciting other students to intimidate or to act with physical violence upon any other person related to gang activity
      • Soliciting others for gang membership
      • Conspiring to commit any violation of this policy or committing or conspiring to commit any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies that relates to gang activity.

    Bomb Threats

    No student shall make, aid, and/or abet in making a bomb threat or hoax by making a false report that a device designated to cause damage or destruction by explosion, blasting, or burning is located on the school premises or at the site of school activities. Any student violating this School Board Policy will be subject to receiving a disciplinary action.

    False Fire Alarm

    No student shall set, attempt to set off or aid and abet anyone in giving a false fire alarm. No student shall interfere with or damage any part of a fire alarm, fire detection, smoke detection, or fire extinguishing system. Any student violating this School Board Policy will be subject to receiving a disciplinary action.

    Threat/False Threat

    No student shall make any threat through written or verbal language, sign, or act which conveys a serious expression of intent to cause harm or violence.

    Furthermore, no student shall make a false threat of harm or violence, even in jest, which causes or is reasonably likely to cause fear or a disruption to school activities.


    Hazing is prohibited. No group or individual shall require a student to wear abnormal dress, play abusive or ridiculous tricks on him/her, frighten, scold, beat, harass or subject him/her to personal indignity. For example, this includes extra-curricular activities during Homecoming, Spirit Week, etc.


    Verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct that interferes with an individual’s learning environment is prohibited. Intimidation, bullying, repeated teasing or taunting, or the use of offensive or degrading language including but not limited to, remarks that demeans a person’s race, religion, sex, national origin, disability, intellectual ability or physical attributes are specifically prohibited. This includes cyber-bullying. A student who violates this School Board Policy is subject to receive a disciplinary action.


    It is the priority of the Wake County Board of Education to provide each and every student in the Wake County Public School System with a safe, orderly and caring learning environment. To this end, the Board prohibits bullying and harassment under any circumstances. This policy is in addition to the Board’s sexual harassment policy.

    Harassment means any offensive verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive to interfere with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational opportunity or activity. Prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to, abusive jokes, insults, slurs, name-calling, threats, bullying or intimidation.

    Sexual Harassment

    The Wake County Board of Education believes that all employees and students are entitled to work and study in school-related environments that are free of sexual harassment. To this end, the board prohibits employees and students from engaging in sexual harassment and advises employees and students that when evidence of sexual harassment is established, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including dismissal (for employees) and suspension or expulsion (for students). Independent contractors and volunteers are likewise prohibited from engaging in sexual harassment and are subject to removal from their duties or activities with the school district for violations of this policy.

    Please refer to Board Policy regarding sexual harassment located in the Wake County Employee Handbook and on the Wake County Public School website.

    Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior

    Each student has a role in helping his/her peers, teachers, and administrators maintain a safe and orderly school environment. So that one may gain the most from his/her experiences in the classroom and participation in school activities, every student has the responsibility of exhibiting appropriate behavior. A student has the right to learn in a classroom free from distractions caused by inappropriate behavior of others.


    Any student who engages in or attempts to engage in plagiarism, falsification, violation of software copyright laws, or violation of computer access shall be subject to disciplinary action. The following actions are specifically prohibited:

    • Cheating – giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance on academic work
    • Plagiarism – copying the language, structure, or idea of another and representing it as one’s own work
    • Falsification – verbal or written statement of any untruth
    • Violation of software copyright laws – unauthorized duplication of computer software (computer piracy), printed material related to computer software, and/or the use of pirated computer software
    • Violation of computer access – willfully, directly, or indirectly, accessing or causing to be accessed any computer, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof without proper authorization or otherwise violating School Board Policy 6446: Student Internet Access and Electronic Mail.

    Possible Behavior Related Consequences/ Loss of Privileges

    Faculty/Staff Response

    • Verbal reprimand
    • Removal from class
    • Phone call to parent/guardian
    • Loss of privileges
    • Teacher conference
    • Confiscation of items
    • Period detention
    • Lunch detention
    • Counselor referrals

    Parent/Guardian Involvement

    • Written notification to parent/guardian
    • Conference with parent/guardian
    • Parent/guardian accompanies student to class
    • Student contract
    • Attendance contract


    • Lunch detention
    • Period detention
    • ISS/ALC
    • Short term suspension
    • Alternative online school
    • RLT/long term suspension
    • Expulsion