The ABC’s Of Wendell Creative Arts & Science Magnet Elementary School
A is for:
Arrival time: Our building opens for students at 8:00am. No students should arrive before then, as there is no adult supervision prior to 8:00am (unless they are enrolled in the Before School Care Program). Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 8:00-8:20am. Students in Kindergarten must report to their classroom before going to breakfast; 1st-5th grade students may go directly to the cafeteria. Our first bell rings at 8:25am, and the instructional day for students begins at 8:30am.
Accidents: Families will be notified of accidents needing medical or immediate attention. Families are responsible for being sure that the school always has a current emergency phone number on file.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend school regularly. However, there are circumstances that require a student to be absent from school which are considered approved absences. These circumstances include: ❖ Illness or injury ❖ Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health or the Wake County Health Dept. ❖ Death in the immediate family ❖ Medical or dental appointments ❖ Court or administrative proceedings ❖ Religious observances ❖ Catastrophic event or natural disaster ❖ Valid educational opportunities, which must be approved in advance by Ms. Primiano. Upon returning to school, parents must send a written excuse (email or paper) for the absence to be considered excused. Students are marked absent for the entire day if they are signed out before 11:45 AM.
B is for:
Before/After School Care Program: Our Before/After School Care Program is offered every day when school is in session. For hours, rates and other information, please visit our website or call the office.
Birthdays: In order to protect instructional time, we do not have birthday parties here at WES. Families who want to send or bring in birthday snacks may do so; however, all birthday snacks will be given out and eaten in the child's classroom during their regularly scheduled snack time. Families, please contact your child's classroom teacher in advance regarding birthday snacks. All shared snacks must be commercially prepared and packaged.
Bus Transportation: Each student is assigned a bus and stop based on their home address. Students may only ride the bus to which they are assigned. They may not ride home with a friend or get off at a different stop other than their assigned stop. Students are responsible for knowing their bus stop. Parents are responsible for providing proper supervision for their child while waiting for the bus in the morning and after they depart the bus in the afternoon. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students must have a parent present at the assigned bus stop at drop off. If parents wish for students to be permitted to walk home from the stop with an older sibling, please send written permission to Ms. Armstrong. Students will be issued an ANNUAL BUS TAG at the beginning of the school year. This tag is required by WCPSS Transportation Department for a student to be allowed to ride the bus. We will attach this ANNUAL BUS TAG to your child’s backpack on the first day of school or the day ridership is granted. If a tag is lost or damaged it will be replaced once. Students will not be permitted to ride the bus home in the afternoon without a bus tag. Should you have any bus related issues or questions, you may contact WCPSS Transportation Department at 919-805-3030 or Mrs. Armstrong, Assistant Principal at 919-365-2660.
C is for:
Cafeteria: Every student is assigned a student ID# which is also used as their breakfast/lunch number in the cafeteria. Students are expected to learn and memorize their number. Breakfast and lunch are available to any student who wishes to eat the school prepared options for the 2022-2023 school year. Each class is assigned a 25-30 minute lunch period and will be supervised by teachers and assistants while in the cafeteria. Students are expected to follow the PBIS “SOAR” rules while in the cafeteria for lunch. Finally, if you come to school to eat lunch with your child, you are welcome to either stay in the cafeteria or go outside and enjoy the courtyard and picnic tables. However, in order to avoid food allergy issues and hurt feelings among your child's classmates, please do not have any other students join you.
Calendar: Please see our website for a calendar with important dates for WES. These dates will also be shared via the PTA through Memberhub and in Ms. Primiano’s weekly message.
Carpool: Students who come to school by carpool must stay in their car until staff members and safety patrol members are on duty in the carpool loop each morning at 8:00 am. Parents should use ONLY the carpool loop to pick children up in the afternoon between 3:00pm-3:30pm. For safety reasons, no child will be allowed to meet a parent who has parked near or around the perimeter of the campus. Each family using carpool during dismissal will be given one carpool tag to be displayed from the rearview mirror of the car.
Cell Phones: If a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be kept in the child’s book bag and must be turned off. If a cell phone is confiscated, it will be returned to a parent, in person, by an administrator. The school and school system will not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.
Change of address/phone numbers: Please notify the office and your child’s teacher if you move or have a change in address or home, work or emergency phone numbers. This information must be kept current and up-to-date in Power Schools by our Data Manager.
Check-In/Check-Out: Students arriving to their classrooms after 8:30 am are considered tardy. Parents are required to accompany their child/children to the of ice after 8:30 am and use the computer system to sign your child in and obtain a tardy slip to be admitted to class. Students who need to leave school before afternoon dismissal at 3:00 PM must be signed out in the office before 2:30 PM. Parents will use the computer system to check their child out using a valid picture ID. The office staff will call the classroom for your child. Students will not be released directly from the classroom. Children will not be signed out after 2:30 PM… Please schedule appointments accordingly. Thank you in advance!
Conferences: Parent conferences are essential to the success of each child. Conferences may be scheduled with teachers before or after school instructional hours, during teacher planning periods, and/or on teacher workdays.
D is for:
Discipline: Students are expected to know and follow the school-wide SOAR expectations (S-Safety, O-Ownership, A-Aim High, R-Respect). Here at WES, we implement a school-wide program called PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support). PBIS is a systematic approach that establishes and reinforces clear behavioral expectations to improve overall classroom and school climate to achieve higher academic performance of students. Individual students will earn “Eagles Eggs” for demonstrating these expectations. Whole classes will earn SOAR Compliment Cards for exhibiting appropriate school wide behaviors. These incentives are redeemable for special events and privileges.
Delays, Dismissals, and Closings: Please visit the WCPSS website (www.wcpss.net) for the latest information on delays/closings. Please do not call the school as we need our phone lines open for emergency communication. Parents should check with daycare centers to be informed of their policy for inclement weather. If there is a two-hour delay, breakfast will be available for students in the cafeteria. If there is a three-hour delay, breakfast will not be served. If we have an early dismissal, lunch will be served before students go home. The Before School Care Program does not operate on days when school is closed for inclement weather. The After School Care Program may or may not operate when school is dismissed early.
Dress Code: According to WCPSS Policy Code 4309 G, I-5: Principals shall exercise appropriate discretion in implementing this policy, including making reasonable accommodations on the basis of student's religious beliefs or medical conditions. Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an ef ective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, of ensive or obscene, or which endangers the health or safety of the student or others is prohibited. Individual schools are free to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are prohibited at that school under the terms of this policy. Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to exposed undergarments; sagging pants; excessively short or tight garments; bare midriff shirts; strapless shirts; attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors; head covering of any kind; see-through clothing; attire that exposes cleavage; any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon; and any attire that is prohibited by rule III-2 (Gang and Gang Related Activity). If a student's dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work, or otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or principal's designee may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance.
E is for:
Emergency Drills: Emergency drills are scheduled periodically throughout the school year. Visitors and volunteers who are on campus are asked to follow our evacuation procedures. ❖ Fire Drills are conducted monthly. Students follow evacuation routes posted in each classroom. ❖ Severe Weather / Tornado Drills are conducted at least once a year. Students evacuate classrooms to a designated safe interior area. ❖ Lock-Down Drills are conducted at least two times a year. Students and staff members practice procedures for school or community emergencies.
F is for:
Field Trips: Grade levels plan field trips during the school year to enhance the curriculum and classroom instruction. Parents must complete, sign and return a field trip permission form in order for students to participate in the field trip. Students cannot attend a field trip without a signed permission form. Parents must be approved through the WCPSS Volunteer System before being permitted to chaperone students on a school field trip.
Fundraising: Our PTA will send home materials and information throughout the school year detailing ways you can support them through volunteering and fundraising. The PTA provides our staff and students with materials and resources necessary for student success.
G is for:
Grades: In grades K-5 students are evaluated on a standards based grading scale. The student performance levels of 1-4 indicate whether students have met the expectations set by the state in the NC Standard Course of Study. The student performance levels are defined as follows: Level 4 - Exemplary Level 3 - Proficient Level 2 - Approaching Proficiency (with support) Level 1 - Non-Proficient Grades are provided twice a year for weekly special classes (art, music, dance, drama, and PE). Classroom behaviors are reported separately. In Kindergarten classroom behaviors are separated into two categories, personal/social development and work habits. In grades 1-5 the behaviors are separated into work habits and conduct. Each behavior is rated according to the following scale: 3 - meets expectations 2 - does not consistently meet expectations 1 - does not meet expectations
H is for:
Headphones: All students must provide their own headphones or earbuds to use with their assigned Chromebook. Students are not allowed to share headphones or earbuds with other students. Wendell Elementary School will not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen headphones.
Homework: According to WCPSS Board Policy: The following procedures should be implemented to ensure homework is appropriately assigned: ❖ The teacher will introduce a concept or skill, thoroughly explain the concept or skill, and provide guided practice before making a related homework assignment. ❖ Homework assignments shall be specific, within the student's ability and have clearly defined expectations. Questions pertaining to the completion of a homework assignment should be answered and clarified. ❖ Homework assignments will not require the use of books or materials which are not readily available in the home or accessible to the student. ❖ The research-based guidelines for minutes per day of homework are 20 minutes (K-2) and 50 minutes (3-5).
I is for:
Immunizations: State law requires that every child have an adequate record of immunizations on file at school. If we are unable to obtain records from a previous school, the parent will be responsible for providing this information. Kindergarten students and students new to NC have 30 days from the first day of school to provide an updated immunization record.
J is for:
Jam-Packed: Your child’s book bag will be jam-packed with their class work, homework assignments and other miscellaneous items, including their Tuesday Folder. Please go through your child’s book bag nightly for important and time sensitive information.
K is for:
Kindergarten Paperwork: Please see our Data Manager, Jennifer Villareal, to be sure that all Kindergarten paperwork has been completed and submitted to the office. Failure to have all documents submitted may result in a child’s exclusion from school until all paperwork is complete and turned in.
L is for:
Lost and Found: Please be sure to visit our Lost and Found regularly located in the cafeteria. All unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity in December and June. We strongly encourage you to put your student’s name on all jackets, coats, and sweatshirts to ensure they are easily reunited with any lost items.
Locator Cards: At the beginning of the school year, all parents will be asked to complete and return a student information sheet (locator card). This allows us to maintain current address, phone numbers, and emergency contacts for each child in the office. This also states other adults you allow to pick up your child from school. Adults who are not listed on this card will not be allowed to pick your child upfrom school.
M is for:
Medication: All medication must be housed in the main office. No student is allowed to keep prescription or over-the-counter medication (i.e. aspirin, cough drops, etc.) while at school. A medical form signed by a doctor (Form 1702) and the original prescription bottle must accompany all medications that need to be dispensed at school. Students are not allowed to transport medications. Parents are required to bring the medication in with appropriate documentation from the medical provider.
Media Center: All students at WES will have regular opportunities to check out/return books.
N is for:
Necessary Items: Please make sure your child comes to school with the necessary items for a successful school day. Please visit our website for an updated list of recommended school supplies for each grade level.
O is for:
Observing in the Classroom: Parents/guardians must notify their child’s teacher at least a day (24 hours) in advance if they plan to visit the classroom during instructional time. Visitors in the classroom may unintentionally distract the children and, as a result, disrupt instruction. For the benefit of all children, it is important that the teacher is aware in advance and can prepare activities for any visitor.
P is for:
PTA: Our PTA is a dedicated group of parents who spend countless hours organizing and planning activities for our families and fundraisers for our students and staff. Please support them by joining the PTA, attending PTA meetings, volunteering for events, and participating in fundraisers.
Q is for:
Quarters: Our school year is divided into 4 quarters, each marking the end of a grading period. Each quarter consists of 9 instructional weeks. Teachers will conduct assessments on each child quarterly and these assessments will help to determine their quarter report card grades. Grades K-5 will receive interim reports or progress reports at the mid-point of each quarter and a report card at the end of each quarter.
R is for:
Report Cards: Report Cards will be sent home to parents at the end of each quarter. If you have any questions about your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
S is for:
Snacks: Each classroom allows time in the instructional day for students to eat a snack. Snacks should be healthy in nature. Examples of healthy snacks include fruit, granola bars, crackers, goldfish crackers, pretzels, fruit snacks, etc. Water bottles are permitted in classrooms at all times. Please refrain from sending juice, Kool-aid, soda, candy, & sugary, sticky colored items for snack.
Student Wellness: If your child is injured at school, school staff will administer first aid as permitted by school system guidelines (band-aids). Teachers or office staff will call a parent (or 911- in a medical emergency) if the injury requires additional medical attention. If your child becomes sick at school, the office will contact a parent (or an adult listed on the child’s locator card if a parent can not be reached.) Children may not return to school until they have been vomit-free for 12 hours and fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine.
T is for:
Technology: Students here at WES will have daily access to age-appropriate technology to enhance their learning. If you have any questions/concerns about technology access, please reach out to Amanda Maddox, our Media Coordinator.
Title I: Title I is the largest single federal funding source for education. About half of North Carolina’s public and charter schools are Title I schools and receive Title I federal funding. It is intended to ensure all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach grade-level proficiency. Wendell Elementary School has a School-wide Title I program which benefits all students enrolled at our school.
Transportation: Parents are responsible for determining a primary method of transportation for their child’s daily arrival and dismissal. If you need to change your child’s daily transportation method for any reason, you must either: a) send a written notice to your child’s teacher that morning or b) call the office before 2:00 pm that day. We cannot change transportation based on verbal information from a child. We will not dismiss a child to leave a “different way” without written or verbal consent from a parent.
U is for:
Utmost Importance: Our students are of the utmost importance to us. Every effort will be made to help them be safe and successful. With your help, we will make a positive difference in your child’s life. We LOVE what we do and are committed to helping every child become smart, responsible, lifelong learners, and good citizens.
V is for:
Valuables: Please do not allow your child to bring any items that are of high value to school. Students who bring unnecessary money or valuables (such as jewelry, iPads, cell phones, gaming systems, etc.) to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of these items.
Visitors: We welcome visitors and volunteers at Wendell Elementary School. Please be sure to sign in at the office and obtain a VISITOR’S PASS to wear while on campus. All visitors are required to present a valid ID card (i.e., driver’s license) in order to gain access to campus or their child(ren) during the school day.
Volunteers: Wake County Public Schools require that all volunteers register before volunteering with our students. You must use a school computer to register. School staff will assist you with this process. Parents who wish to chaperone on field trips must be approved and cleared through this required registration process.
W is for:
W is for: WES Website: Our school website contains important updates and information for parents and students. The address for our school website is www.wcpss.net/wendelles. Please check it out regularly to stay informed!
Withdrawal from School: If you are moving and withdrawing your child from WES please make sure our Data Manager, Mrs. Villareal is aware as soon as possible. Also, let the classroom teacher know in advance so your child’s belongings can be gathered and their classmates can say goodbye.
X is for:
EXceptional Staff: Wendell’s staff is committed to excellence. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Email addresses for our staff members can be found on our school website.
Y is for:
YOU: Your support, involvement, and encouragement are essential for your child’s success in school. Be involved in your child’s education!
Z is for:
Z,z,z,z…: Make sure your child gets plenty of rest each night. Children need to sleep at home, not in class! School-age children function best with 8 to 12 hours of sleep each night.
For Wake County Public School System Board Policy and Guidelines, please review the Student / Parent Handbook provided to every family by WCPSS. Parents and students are responsible for the awareness and understanding of Board Policy, as well as WES School Rules and Procedures.