• Equity in WCPSS

  • The Wake County Public School System and its Board are committed to equity. No individual student or staff member should be prevented from achieving their full potential, discriminated against, or hindered in accessing opportunities for learning and growth due to the impact of historic, systemic disparities that affect some more than others.

    Our own academic data shows that there is a predictive association between race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status and our student outcomes. WCPSS is regrettably not unique; state and national data reveals the same disparities. We have a duty to remedy them. An equity lens ensures that every individual in WCPSS will see themselves in our mission, vision, and core beliefs.

    An equity lens on school system decision making

    1. How will this decision impact students or families disparately?

    2. What current disparities exist for these groups? How does the knowledge of any disparity shape teaching and learning for impacted students and their opportunity for success? 

    3. What specific strategies are being used to mitigate opportunity gaps?

    4. How are the voices and experiences of marginalized groups informing this work?

    5. How does this work align with and advance our Core Beliefs and district equity goals?

    An equity lens on our employees’ individual responsibilities

    1. How might my own practice limit opportunities for all students to learn, grow, and succeed? 

    2. How do I advance my understanding of students and their characteristics as defined above?

    3. How do I recognize and make use of the gifts, talents, and skill sets that each student possesses?

    4. How do I see, understand, and interrupt inequity?

    5. In what ways do I center students and affirm their lived experiences, culture, and identities?

    Our obligations and commitments

    WCPSS complies with all federal, state and local laws and policies regarding non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory, inviting, and inclusive school environment for all students.

    We are also proactive. We seek to foster academic success for every individual regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language of origin, disability, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. That requires more than merely preventing discrimination–it also means expanding opportunity and breaking down barriers. This is how we maintain our focus on increasing achievement for all students by providing a world-class education.

  • Work Streams

  • Coaching and Leadership Support
  • Family Academy and Engagement
  • Community Outreach and Engagement
  • Historically Underutilized Business Programs
  • Student Engagement
  • Educator Engagement
  • Mentoring Support
  • Title IX and Title VI

District Highlights