• Student Spotlight Our Teams/Departments Applaud Young Academy Artists 



    February 1, 2021 

    DreamBox and Lexia Winners  

    May 25, 2020

    Jose G-M. (8th Grade) - During remote learning, Jose has consistently turned in great work.  He is conscientious and has not wavered in his desire to excel and learn.  His answers are thoughtful and complete.  He has shown a great sense of maturity and readiness for the transition to high school.  The Directors are proud of his continuous ability to ROAR!


    Ajani W. (7th Grade) - Ajani has modeled perseverance in this online learning environment.  In the last 4 weeks of Lexia power up, Ajani has completed 110 units logging-in over 12 hours of time.  He has exceeded expectations with his math class participation as well.  In the last 30 days, he has spent over 19 hours in Dreambox completing 69 lessons.  He actively participates in Office hours and lessons assigned by all of his teachers.  The 7th grade Director's team is proud to nominate Ajani W. as their student of the week.


    Anya K. (6th Grade) - Anya has been and continues to be a standout remote learner over these past 6 weeks! Anya is consistently online everyday (1) participating and (2) completing all of her assignments at the highest level. Anya has managed to stay on top of all of her online student responsibilities during this very challenging time. The Designers Team couldn't ask for a better model of what is expected of all of the students in the 6th grade. Excellent work, Anya!


    Kennedy H.T. (CTE) - Kennedy has brought her conscientious work ethic into the remote learning environment.  She completes all assignments, works incredibly hard and asks questions as needed. She completes all assignments in a timely manner.  She has been a joy to work with in both the 'live' and 'virtual' classrooms.


    May 18, 2020

    Sean H. (8th Grade) - During remote learning, Sean has been a rock star! He has put forth a great amount of effort to complete assignments and takes advantage of office hours to help him understand the work. He is in constant contact with an interpreter to help him maneuver through the language barrier. The Directors are so proud of your efforts and the sense of responsibility you have shown!


    Karina L-S (7th Grade) - 7th Grade Directors Team would like to nominate Karina as our student of the week. Even before the interruption in our school year, Karina was a consistent and caring leader in the classroom. Since March, Karina not only has completed her assignments well responding to all feedback provided, but she has also maintained these high personal standards in the midst of a family move. The team is honored to have her on the team and wants to celebrate her dedication and commitment to her education and the amazing future she is creating with her habits of today.

    Sofia B-R. (8th Grade) - Sofia has worked diligently during remote learning to complete every assignment given to her.  She has turned in work that is thorough and she answers questions with great insights.  She has used office hours to ask teachers questions to ensure she understands what she is submitting.  We  appreciate her willingness to strive for excellence during this new experience! 

    Brooke H.-T. (CTE) - Brooke has worked hard all semester.  She has carried this exceptional work ethic into the online environment.  She communicates with me as her instructor and addresses concerns in a timely manner.  She produces work with on deadlines and quality work.

    8th Grade Designers - Marina S. is a student to be treasured, she is very attentive in class and always ready to engage in class discussions and offer her understanding of the material. She comes to class prepared and always asks questions so that she has a better understanding of the classwork and comes to school prepared when she has been absent. Congratulations Marina S. – you are a model student!


    7th Grade Composers - Citlali has been working very hard in our classes. She has been very active during this digital semester by asking questions and even helping other students.


    6th Grade Designers - Malvin has been and continues to be the model online learner. Malvin is consistently online everyday (1) completing his assignments, (2) emailing his teachers, (3) attending office hours, and (4) doing whatever he needs to stay on top of all of his online student responsibilities. The Designers Team couldn't ask for a better model of what is expected of all of the students in the 6th grade! Excellent work, Malvin!


    CTE - Tochukwu is always focused on her work and calm even when distractions are happening around her. I am recognizing her for being a calming, focused presence for others, helping others to stay on task and supporting them in their work.