• PGESCarpool


    All families who drive their children to school should drop their kids off in the carpool lane. For safety and due care, adults should not use cell phones or text while moving through carpool. Cars should stay single file in the right lane and proceed to the designated drop-off/pick-up area. You will be directed to move into the front circle to begin morning drop off or afternoon pick up. Thank you for being patient,  courteous, and following the directions of the adults on duty.  Thank you also for not driving around or passing cars. 

    Morning carpool drop off will begin at 8:45 AM.  Each afternoon parents should wait in their cars to pick up their child in carpool.  Please do not enter the building to pick up students. Staff members will have students ready for pick up. Additionally, please do not park your car in the carpool lane and leave it unattended because this creates a fire safety violation. Students must be picked up in the afternoon by 4pm. After that time, students will need to be signed out from the main office.