WES Walker Procedures
Only students who live within 1.5 miles of WES and are not assigned transportation may walk to and from school. Eligible families must complete this walker application consent form for students to walk home during the 2024-2025 school year. Students in kindergarten and first grade must be picked up by an adult or may walk home with a fourth or fifth grade sibling. Students in grades two through five may walk home independently with parent permission.
Note: If you are transporting your child in a car, you will need to follow the carpool procedures. Students should not use our walker procedures to walk to a car.
Walker Numbers
All students (walker, carpool, and bus) will receive a family number hang tag for their entire time at WES. This family number will be used for dismissing kindergarten, first grade, and other non-independent walkers to adults.
Kindergarten, First Grade, and Other Non-independent Walkers
Adults should present their family number to the staff member on duty in the grassy area along the sidewalk and school by the carpool entrance lane off Olde Weatherstone Way to release kindergarten, first grade, and students in grades 2-5 who do not have permission to walk home independently. Kindergarten and first grade students with permission to walk home with an older fourth or fifth grade sibling will be released at dismissal without an adult. Non-independent walkers will have a blue colored tag affixed to their backpack.
Grades 2-5 Independent Walkers
Independent walkers will be dismissed at the end of the school day with the expectation they walk straight home. Friends who are not approved to walk home independently may not walk home with independent walkers. Independent walkers will have a green colored tag affixed to their backpack.
Suspension of Walker Privileges
Walking privileges may be suspended for any child who exhibits unsafe behaviors when walking, walks to a car for pick-up, or moves outside of the walk zone.