• Theory of Knowledge

       Theory of Knowledge   

  • Theory of Knowledge Faculty

    Mr. Sherwin

    •  jsherwin@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 22277
    •  TOK Site for students     h requires WakeID login

  • Knowing about knowing

    Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is taught over the two years (4 semesters) of the program beginning in September of year 1 and continuing through May of Year 2.. It is organized around seven Essential Questions:

    1. Why become a knower?
    2. How is new knowledge created?
    3. How do our perspectives and biases shape our knowledge?
    4. What is the relationship between our values and what we know?
    5. How is our understanding framed by how we communicate?
    6. How do we become discerning knowers?
    7. What responsibilities come with knowing?

    Each Essential Question consists of lessons built around 12 TOK Concepts and introduces students to the Areas of Knowledge (AOK's) and Ways of Knowing (WOK's) that make up the framework for much of what we know.

  • TOK Concepts

    • Certainty
    • Culture
    • Evidence
    • Explanation
    • Interpretation
    • Justification
    • Objectivity
    • Perspective
    • Power
    • Responsibility
    • Truth
    • Values
  • Areas of Knowledge

    • the Arts
    • History
    • Human Science
    • Mathematics
    • Natural Science
  • Ways of Knowing

    • Sense Perception
    • Language
    • Memory
    • Imagination
    • Emotion
    • Reasoning
    • Intuition
    • Faith
  • TOK Themes

    Each Essential Question further invites students to apply their developing understanding of KNOWLEDGE & THE KNOWER to current events from one, or more, of 5 real-world themes.

    • Knowledge & Indigenous Societies
    • Knowledge & Language
    • Knowledge & Politics
    • Knowledge & Religion
    • Knowledge & Technology

  • IB Diploma Programme | Theory of knowledge guide (2022)