• Liability Insurance

    All employees of public schools in North Carolina receive professional liability protection. This policy is a state benefit and is not administered by Wake County Public School System.

    This policy is free, covers all employees (certified and non-certified) as well as volunteers acting under the direction of the educational institution, and there is no enrollment requirement.  


    • Applies to claims against an employee acting in the course or scope of his or her duties
    • Is “excess” to other insurance coverage and covers wrongful acts in performance of professional activities
    • Coverage is written with  $1 million per insured per occurrence and $1 million aggregate per insured
    • Broad coverage exists, including but not limited to:
    • $10,000 limit for personal identity coverage
    • $10,000 limit for accidental death or dismemberment
    • Civil rights with no sub-limit
    • $2,500 per insured claim, $5,000 per aggregate per insured per policy for attorney’s fees, and $5,000,000 aggregate per policy period
    • Bail bond
    • Assault related property damage
    • $50,000 limit for criminal acts
    • Employment related issues, including protection of professional rights
    • $100,000 limit for volunteers, while acting at the direction of the educational institution

    More Information

    For details, visit: http://www.professionalliabilitync.com/.