• Inclement Weather Procedures

    In the event of inclement weather

    If school closes early due to inclement weather, the after-school program will not operate.  Parents need to pick up their children as soon as possible. 

    If Wake County cancels school due to inclement weather, the After-School Program will not operate.  The program will operate on the make-up day(s) designated by the Board of Education.

    If the Superintendent cancels all after-school activities, the after-school program will not operate.  Parents will pick up their children at the close of school.

    Credits/Refunds are not given when the After-School Program is canceled due to early dismissal or cancellation of after-school activities by the Superintendent.

    When an entire school day is canceled due to inclement weather, the After-School Program will operate on the school make-up day. No credit or refund will be made for those days.   If the principal makes a decision not to offer the after-care program on the make-up day, a credit is due. The principal is responsible for notifying parents about the decision not to offer the program.

    When the Board of Education decides to make up inclement weather days outside of the predetermined make-up days, refunds/credits will be determined by the WCPSS leadership team.

    For Early Release participants ONLY, a refund will be issued if the Board of Education cancels early release days.

     If there is an emergency dismissal and after-school activities get canceled, we will contact you so your student (s) will know how they are going home.