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    High School Graduation Requirements

    All public high school students must meet minimum state graduation requirements to earn a diploma and graduate. These graduation requirements are considered the Future-Ready Course of Study (FRC) requirements and prepare students for post-secondary success.

    All students must earn at least 22 credits* in the Future-Ready Course of Study to graduate from high school. The Future-Ready Course graduation requirements ensure that a student is prepared for life and whatever pathway they choose after they graduate, workplace, colleges/university or the military. Below are the specific course requirements.

    Although the state requires a designated number of courses and credits for students to graduate high school, local school districts and other public school units may require additional courses and credits to graduate. Families and students are strongly encouraged to check with their high school to determine if their district and/or school have additional requirements for students to earn a high school diploma.


    Read this information on dpi.nc.gov >

     * Garner Magnet High School requires 26 credits to graduate.

  • Promotion to Grade 10:

    Minimum of six credits: One credit must be English I, two must be in the areas of mathematics, social studies, or science and three additional credits to total six.

    Promotion to Grade 11:

    Minimum of twelve credits: Two credits must be English I and English II, one must be mathematics, one social studies and one science, plus seven additional credits to total twelve.

    Promotion to Grade 12:

    Minimum of eighteen credits: Three credits must be English I, English II and English III, and enrollment in remaining courses required to graduate.