All carpool students should arrive at the front of the school in the carpool lane only. Students who arrive at school in a car should remain in the car until the 8:00 bell rings. Carpool students are not to be dropped off prior to the 8:00 bell. Students are not to be dropped off by parents in the mornings and left unattended.
All carpool students are to be picked up in the front of the school building. Students are not allowed to walk to the parking lot unsupervised. All parents must obey the carpool rules to ensure student safety.
Again, to ensure student safety, those picking up students in carpool should request and display a carpool tag. This tag will assist our staff in quickly releasing the correct student(s) to the appropriate adult.Adults who do not bring/display carpool tags will be asked to show picture identification in the office to verify the adult is listed on the student's locator card. Student safety is top priority.