Freshman Class Information

  • Flight Academy

    Early August we will invite the rising 9th grade to participate in Flight Academy.  Students will be given a their scheudles, a tutor of the school, information about the structure of the school day, they will be taught Purple Craze Cheers, and much more.  Please joins us in your first experience as a HAWK!

    • Schedule

      AM Session: Last Names A-K

      PM Session: Last Names L-Z

      7:30-8:00/12:30-1:00 Check In

      8:10-11:00/1:10-4:00 Activities by groups: Day in the Life of a Hawk, Scavenger Hunt, Counselor Presentation, Service Project, Ice Breaker/Sign Rock

      Groups will be assigned at check-in. 


      Parent Meetings: There are three options, please choose what is most convienent for you!  8:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 6:00 pm.

4 Year Pathway
  • Things to think about in your freshman year include ...

    • Come to school every day you can! Attendance is crucial to high school success. You cannot learn if you are not here.
    • Complete your work. Class work, homework, and studying are equally important. 
    • Ask questions often. If you don't understand what your teacher is teaching, ask for clarification. Your teacher doesn't know how to help if you don't let him or her know you are struggling. 
    • Get help if needed. Go to your teachers during H.O.T. lunch tutorials if you are struggling. 
    • Get involved! We have numerous clubs, activities, and sports to help enhance your high school experience. 
    • Start exploring post-secondary options. You don't have to know what you want to do after high school, but it's important to begin to think about your interests.
    • Don't fall behind. It's really easy to drop your GPA, and very difficult to raise it back up. 
    • Begin to explore colleges and universities you may be interested in. Check out their admission requirements to ensure that you register for the courses needed and maintain a competitive GPA. Remember, the minimum requirements are just that, minimum.
    • Your school counselors want to help you reach your fullest potential so you have plenty of options after high school. We will support you, advocate for you, and talk to you anytime. 
    • Take courses that challenge you.
    • Concentrate on making good grades.
    • Create a free CFNC account to record your courses, activities, and more.
    • Explore career interests at and take interest profiles like the free profile at

Promotion Requirements

Promotion Requirements