Senior Class Information

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    The purpose of the Senior Handbook is to provide a resource to High School Seniors and  Parents for graduation details and information and  all post-secondary opportunities which include university, two-year college, technical college, military, workforce, and volunteerism.

    You will find an updated Senior Handbook here.
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    • Prioritize college choices.
    • Know your deadlines for college applications and scholarships
    • Continue visiting colleges
    • Update or create your resume
    • Register for the early fall SAT/ACT if needed
    • Make sure your senior course choices meet college expectations
    • Fill out the "Brag Sheet" if you need recommendations from teachers or your counselor
    • Athletes - go over the NCAA Eligibility requirements with your coach
    • Meet with your school counselor to explore options
    • Attend college fairs and meet with admissions officers
    • Use CFNC to apply and send transcripts to NC colleges
    • Use Common App (if appropriate) or applications accessed through the college's website to apply to schools outside of NC
    • Review HSHS transcript procedures
    • Request recommendation letters from your teachers and counselor if required by colleges to which you are applying
    • Start applying for scholarships
    • Meet all deadlines for admissions and scholarships
    • Make good grades in all classes
    • Verify that your college application process is complete
    • Complete the financial aid process and FAFSA by March 1st
    • Request mid-year transcripts if needed
    • Make your final college decision
    • Continue to work hard. Despite your admittance to college, your grades still count and poor performance can result in your acceptance being revoked
    • Continue applying for scholarships
    • Take AP/SAT Subject Test as needed
    • Request final transcripts (automatically sent if your requested original transcript through CFNC)
    • Athletes - complete NCAA Elgibility requirements
    • Complete Future Plans Survey
    • Complete Scholarship Reporting Form 

    ​For Parents...
    • Help your child set realistic goals and have a back up plan
    • Discuss future plans, in particular the financial picture and any restrictions regarding college early on in the selection/application process
    • Encourage your child to complete their own college and scholarship applications
    • Keep in mind that this in your child's future; support them and allow them to make their own decisions
    • Attend any senior parent nights hosted at the school 
    • Encourage your child to be aware of, and meet, all deadlines
    • It is a busy time for everyone, please be patient with the school and with your child

NC College Admission Statistics

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