Bulldog Partners

How to Become a Bulldog Partner

  • Your business can join others, civic organizations, and higher education institutions in providing relevant, realistic experiences that help students see the connection between academic success today and career success tomorrow. The Wake County School-to-Career program is supported by a volunteer council and aligned with our Career-Technical Education curriculum.

Join Our Business Alliance

  • The SRMHS Business Alliance is a partnership between business leaders and educators.  They meet monthly to plan, review and create events and opportunities that impact students and increase their college and career readiness.  The Business Alliance members each bring a level of expertise that is vital to assist teachers in designing real-world experiences for students that equip them for their future.  Some of the events the Business Alliance is involved with includes career fairs, mock job interviews, discussions about business ethics, onsite and offsite learning experiences, business site tours, internships and writing resumé. The Business Alliance meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except in the case of holidays, inclement weather, and track out days. 


    Ms. Lesley Brickhouse
    Phone: 919-856-2800 ext. 24987
    Email: lbrickhouse@wcpss.net

Partner with Us


Career Academy Advisory Boards

  • Our school district's Career Academies are smaller learning communities within a school that focus on a career area, integrate that theme within the core curriculum, and provide internships. Each academy has an advisory board comprised of volunteers from businesses and higher education related to that career theme.

    • Engineering Advisory Board
      • Academy of Information Technology ~ Advisory Board is currently operating under the umbrella of the Engineering Advisory Board
      • Academy of Biomedical Science ~ Advisory Board is currently operating under the umbrella of the Engineering Advisory Board