
Save the Dates

Save the dates!

Our "E-Motion" Dance Company will hold an interest meeting:

  • 2024 Dates coming soon (Dance Studio)

The SRMHS Dance Department presents Nostalgia in the theater at the below dates and times:

  • Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM
  • Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 4:00 PM
  • Nostalgia Poster Code

Dance Program Overview

  • The Dance Program at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School nurtures each student to be more than just skilled dancers - they are groomed to be great choreographers, mentors, citizens, and leaders in the community. Incoming Freshman start with Beginning dance. Freshman and transfer students have an opportunity to be recommended to a higher level, by attending a placement class held in the spring. Advanced Beginners, Intermediate Dance, Proficient Dance Honors, Advanced Dance Honors and Advance Dance Independent Study are also offered.

    Successful completion of each level and teacher recommendation is required to advance to the next class level in the dance department. Students who love to dance and want to take dance to another level outside of class, can audition for the SRMHS “E-Motion” Dance Company. Our Dance Mentor Program, Dance Council and National Society for Dance Arts chapter, nurture leadership and social responsibility.

  • Dance logo

Join Us

  • Twitter: @SRMHSDance
  • Director: Ms. Lisa Wilder (
  • Students who love to dance and want to take dance to another level outside of class may audition for the SRMHS “E-Motion” Dance Company. Our Dance Mentor Program, Dance Council and National Society for Dance Arts Chapter, nurtures leadership and social responsibility.
  • The SRMHS Dance classes perform throughout the year. Beginning and Adv. Beginning participate in a Semester Class Showcase, held at the end of each semester. Upper level dancers are invited to participate in the Fall Preview, Open House performances, and to showcase in Emerging Artist and Pieces of Gold.
    The entire department has the opportunity to participate in the Annual Concert during the spring of each year.
    • The students traveled to New York, spring 2005, 2014 and summer 2017 to take class at Steps on Broadway, Broadway Center Dance and the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.
    • SRMHS “E-Motion”, Dance Company was selected to perform in the inaugural AT&T Heritage Calendar Gala and the NC Delegates breakfast at the National Democratic Convention (fall 2012). 
    • The students attended “The Pulse” in Atlanta GA (spring 2012) and performed in the showcase (spring 2009).
    • Our students took class with Mia Michaels, Chris Judd and Laurieann Gibson.
    • The students also traveled to Dallas, TX (2008), Philadelphia, PA (2010), and Los Angeles CA (2011), to participate in International Association of Blacks in Dance Conference (IABD) to take master classes with renowned choreographers.
    • The Department traveled to Walt Disney World in Florida fall 2007, 2015, and 2018 to perform and experience behind the scenes instruction from the Disney staff.
    • “E-Motion” Dance Company was selected to perform at the 2006 NAACP State Convention.
    • The department has also been honored by being selected seven consecutive years to perform in Wake County’s Pieces of Gold Showcase 2004-2010, and again in 2012, 2016, and 2018-2020.
  • SRMHS is proud of the dancers that have graced our studio over the years. Although all students will not dance professionally, training them to have a healthy appreciation for the art form is an asset. Several of our graduates have continued their education after high school in the field of dance and have successful careers.