Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Why does SRMHS have to have so many rules about computers?
    A: Having an acceptable use policy is a common business practice, and violating a company's AUP can result in the violator being fired. These policies make clear the important differences between what's OK to do with a computer at home and what is OK to do with one at work or at school. Computers are in schools to support learning.

    Q: Can my teacher get me kicked off the computers for doing something in his/her class on the computer that is not the assignment?
    A: Yes. Teachers expect you to do your work, and you can expect that they will disable your account if you are using the computer to waste valuable instructional time.

    Q: How long will I be off the computers for a violation?
    A: That depends on the severity of the violation, the number of previous violations, and the responsibility you are willing to take to get your account reinstated. The time off the computers is a minimum of 3 school days and may be as much as 90 school days.

    Q: If I get an AUP violation in one class, I can still use computers in my other classes, right?
    A: No. Whenever you have your computer privileges suspended, you lose your privileges for all classes for the duration of the violation. You can't use a computer anywhere within SRMHS. You may also not bring a personal laptop for use for the duration of the violation.

    Q: How can I get my computer assignments done if I can't use the computers?
    A: You can't unless you can do them at home. Violating the AUP is a choice you make that carries consequences. One of those consequences is that your grades may suffer. You may propose alternate, non-computer assignments to your teachers, but each of your teachers decides if your proposal meets the objectives of the assignment. If the alternate assignment is not acceptable, then you take a 0 for the assignment. If online quizzes and exams require the use of a computer and you have lost your computer privileges, then you will take a 0 for the test.

    Q: My friend asked me if she could use my account, and I let her. Why did I get an AUP violation?
    A: It is a violation to allow another person to use your account.

    Q: How will anyone know if I violate the AUP?
    A: EVERYTHING you do on the network leaves a record. You may not get caught right away, but the network administrators constantly monitor the network (they can remotely view your screen at any time), and Internet activity is tracked. The odds are stacked heavily against your getting away with violations in the long run.

    Q: But what if I know so much about computers that I can figure out how to outsmart the network administrators and the system?
    A: See the answer above.

    Q: I was doing research on genetic engineering for a class project and I hit a blocked web site. Will I lose my computer privileges?
    A: No. Hitting blocked sites is not a violation if you are working on an assignment and the blocked sites are results of a search for the assignment topic.