Cell Phone Usage

  • When students enter the classroom, they should follow teacher protocols for cell phone placement and usage. 

    Cell phone usage during instruction distracts the student from giving their full attention to their course work. Therefore, if a student chooses to use their phone without permission, the following consequences will follow.


    1. Teacher will remind the student of the cell phone policy.

    2. Teacher will provide another reminder.

    3. Teacher will assign a classroom consequence.

    4. If the student refuses to comply with 3 teacher redirections for cell phone compliance. The teacher will contact the front office to have the cell phone confiscated. 

    Administrative Consequences: 

    1. First (1st) Offense = Phone is confiscated by the Dean of C&C or Admin and placed in an envelope and locked in the main office. Students may pick up their device after school.

    2. Two (2) OR MORE Offenses = Phone is confiscated by the Dean of C&C or Admin and placed in an envelope.   A parent/guardian must pick up the device between 7:00am - 3:30pm. 

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Cell Phone Usage

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