
  • Welcome, Class of 2025!

    Academic Planning Conferences

    All sophomores will have a conference with their counselors either individually (upon request) or in small groups These conferences will be a time to review your progress and update your four-year academic plan for high school.

Join Us

  • Graduation Requirements: WCPSS requires a minimum of 26 credits to graduate.

    • 4 credits = English 1, English 2, English 3, & English 4

    • 4 credits = Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Math 4 or one other DPI-approved math related to career goals

    • 3 credits = Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, a physical science

    • 4 credits = World History, American History 1, American History 2, Civics, & Economics

    • 1 credit = Healthful Living

    • 6 credits = CTE, Arts, Second Language

    • 4 credits = Electives (of your choice)

    • = 26 credits TOTAL