Phone: 919.850.8700
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Jennifer Fowler
I am from Kansas, and born an Army Brat. Then IBM moved my family here to NC. I went to Our Lady of Lourdes and Cardinal Gibbons High School. My hobbies are photography and watching my kids in their activities (cheerleading, tennis , young marines and mountain biking) . I also enjoy swimming, cross stitching and music and collecting vinyl records. On the weekends I like spending time with Fritz watching football and basketball (we are a divided house - NC State and UNC). I went into the medical field before continuing my education at North Carolina A&T. AGGIE PRIDE . I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. This is my 6th year teaching at Millbrook. I am dual certified to teach regular education k-6 and special education K-12.
Why I love Millbrook...
MECME has been a second home to me since my own children attended this school. I knew when I left A&T this was the school I wanted to teach at. This is not just a building full of teachers, it is a village. This is a family making sure every child in it has the future they want to have.